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3 hours ago, pierremgi said:

I'm not fond of ACE. Perhaps someone will answer about this specific point.

Same here.

I just looked over the ACE documentation quickly. Seems pretty straight forward to put together.

Using @pierremgi's function. I made an addon version. All credit goes @pierremgi ! I just made it into a PBO which took less than 2 minutes. Hopefully you didn't mind!



NOTE: This is a client addon and does not require ACE3.

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There is an other issue that may arrise from this.

Our group regularly has empty, smaller, backpack in their backpacks sometimes.

Like a TFAR LR Radio, Small assault pack used to bring just some explosives or ammo for the GPMG.

This can only be done by dragging this backpack directly into the inventory list of your current backpack. As far as I know, not when on the ground.

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21 hours ago, HazJ said:

Same here.

I just looked over the ACE documentation quickly. Seems pretty straight forward to put together.


Haterz :D

Yup, ACE interaction is just a more robust version of addAction, so there shouldn't be any issues.

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Yes! Actually the ACE version on this function would be the best idea since ACE already adds lot of realism.

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On 9/1/2018 at 8:32 AM, pierremgi said:


I wrote the following script, disabling the view of backpack content and preventing any add of item inside it (for the player himself). This doesn't lock the backpack for others (subject treated in other topic).

The only remaining issue so far is when you drag an item an drop it outside of the inventory display >> backpack is filled up to max with chemlight. If you close/reopen the inventory, the situation is back to normal.


So, the code:


player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", {  
  [] spawn {  
    waitUntil {!(isNull findDisplay 602)};
    {(findDisplay 602 displayCtrl _x) ctrlAddEventHandler ["lbdrag", {
      if (backpack player != "") then {
        player setVariable ['bpkMess',if (count backpackItems player >0) then {+(getUnitLoadout player) select 5 select 1} else {[]}];
        for '_i' from 0 to 100 do {
          if !(player canAddItemToBackpack ["Chemlight_yellow", _i]) exitWith {
            player setVariable ["fillBag",_i-1];
            (backpackContainer player) additemCargo (["Chemlight_yellow", _i-1])
    } forEach [632,633,638,640];
      _x ctrlAddEventHandler ["lbDrop", {
        if (!isNil {player getVariable "bpkMess"}) then {
          clearAllItemsFromBackpack player;
            if (count _x == 3) then {
              (backpackContainer player) AddMagazineAmmoCargo _x
            } else {
              (backpackContainer player) additemCargoGlobal _x
          } forEach (player getVariable ["bpkMess",[]]);
          player setVariable ["bpkMess",nil];
          player setVariable ["fillBag",nil]
    } forEach (allControls findDisplay 602);

    (findDisplay 602 displayCtrl 6191) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonClick", {
      if ((_this select 1) == 0) then {
        (findDisplay 602 displayCtrl 619) ctrlShow false}
    (findDisplay 602 displayCtrl 6191) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDblClick", {
      if ((_this select 1) == 0) then {
      (findDisplay 602 displayCtrl 619) ctrlShow false}

    {(findDisplay 602 displayCtrl _x) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonClick", {
      if (backpack player != "" && (_this select 1) == 1) then {

        player setVariable ["bpkMess",if (count backpackItems player >0) then {+(getUnitLoadout player) select 5 select 1} else {[]}];
        for "_i" from 0 to 100 do {
          if !(player canAddItemToBackpack ["Chemlight_yellow", _i]) exitWith {
            player setVariable ["fillBag",_i-1];
            (backpackContainer player) additemCargo (["Chemlight_yellow", _i-1])
    } forEach [632,640];

player addEventHandler ["InventoryClosed", {
  if (!isNil {player getvariable "bpkMess"} && backpack player != "") then {
    for "_i" from 1 to (player getVariable ["fillBag",0]) do {
      player removeItemFromBackpack "Chemlight_yellow";
      player setVariable ["bpkMess",nil];
      player setVariable ["fillBag",nil]



So it looks like you can add items into the backpack up until its ~60% full or smth like that. And you can move weapons,attachments,mags loaded into weapons into the backpack at any point.

Also only first left click on the backpack per inventory screen open\close actually hides the stuff in it; every next click has about 10-30%(not sure) chance it not displaying items inside, which fixes itself if you click the backpack again.

And the biggest problem - ammo from that backpack, as well as grenades, can still be used. Since they still exist inside the backpack

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On 2018-09-11 at 9:57 PM, pierremgi said:

I'm not fond of ACE. Perhaps someone will answer about this specific point.

Alright. ACE wasn't really that relevant though. Let me rephrase that. 


Does anyone know if it's at all possible to remove backpack from inventory and force it to be on the ground to mess around with inventory? Would it be possible to just edit the player gear menu and use the script provided above? I'm asking more like a is there something that's preventing this that any of you know of. Not a whole tutorial on how to do it. 


Going to download your mod version and check it out HAZ! :)

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10 minutes ago, HazJ said:

Addon is now signed with key and bikey as well.


Thanks Guys this is just Great !


FLying-FINN maybe you should also add this in the front page of the topic !


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49 minutes ago, FLying-FINN said:

@GEORGE FLOROS GR Yeah! Ill ad it.

You might want to give HazJ some credit, as he did build the addon and host it. :D

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It was mostly @pierremgi - All I did was turn into PBO and sign. Took 2 minutes. Piece of cake. lol! Thanks anyway!

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Speaking about "realistic backpacks"....
Is there any solution to make them appear on ghillie suits? Because that is where realsim suffers.

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No. ArmA limitation and cannot be worked around, at least not via scripting. It would take a new config and maybe more.

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I assume they aren't used with backpacks IRL. If so then you can stop players using them if using ghillie suit...

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12 minutes ago, HazJ said:

I assume they aren't used with backpacks IRL. If so then you can stop players using them if using ghillie suit...

Yes, I've already thought about that, migh be a great solution.
Will try to force players to drop backpacks if such ghillie is taken and visa versa.

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On the other hand, it seems to me normal that ghillie suit is on (not under) backpack for a global coverture. It's more a tactic question than a "touch of class".

The fact is, you shouldn't be able to drop or grab your backpack while wearing this suit. That can be coded.

After that, the problem is similar for any backpack: locked when on back for the owner (except for contortionist), locked or unlocked for other players.

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4 hours ago, pierremgi said:

On the other hand, it seems to me normal that ghillie suit is on (not under) backpack for a global coverture. It's more a tactic question than a "touch of class".

The fact is, you shouldn't be able to drop or grab your backpack while wearing this suit. That can be coded.

After that, the problem is similar for any backpack: locked when on back for the owner (except for contortionist), locked or unlocked for other players.

yeah but you wouldn't hide a bergen under a ghilile. You'd look like a french delicatessy! 


About the bags. What about c4 etc. In my opinion I'd love to have to take out the c4 of the bag, then attach it to stuff. But maybe they will have to be allowed. Same with radios etc. Stuff that can't fit in your vest/uniform. 

Speaking of ACE3. They actually have a feature like this on certain items that'll have to be in vest/uniform and won't work in bag, just saying. 

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48 minutes ago, HazJ said:

@Spatsiba - Nothing wrong with French food. It is the best. Btw, @pierremgi is French lol.


I know that's why I made the joke about snails lol. I hope you guys got that it was about snails. Because the bergen is huge and makes you look like one. 

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lol. I must admit that I didn't think too much about it except the look of escargot (snails) did cross my mind but then after that I thought... Very tasty! C'est trés bon! (it is very good) :rofl:

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On 15.09.2018 at 8:07 PM, pierremgi said:

On the other hand, it seems to me normal that ghillie suit is on (not under) backpack for a global coverture. It's more a tactic question than a "touch of class".

The fact is, you shouldn't be able to drop or grab your backpack while wearing this suit. That can be coded.

After that, the problem is similar for any backpack: locked when on back for the owner (except for contortionist), locked or unlocked for other players.

That is called "clothing capacity" and has nothing to do with backpacks.
You would never be able to hide realistic backpack under the ghillie and stay in the same shape.

EDIT: oh, sorry, was sleepy and misinterpreted your message.

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7 hours ago, Malcain said:

That is called "clothing capacity" and has nothing to do with backpacks.



7 hours ago, Malcain said:

You would never be able to hide realistic backpack under the ghillie and stay in the same shape.


Sure! I never said the contrary. If you want something like that, you need a mod managing several (if not all) shapes of ghillie and able to shift for the uniform depending on chosen backpack.

BI solution seems to be an invisible backpack when ghillie is on.

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