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UAV Configs / Plane conversion

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Been reading and playing around with various configs and learning as I go but I need community assistance as I can't find or understand what I am looking for.


Basically looking at converting a BLUFOR fighter into a UAV for learning and purposes.  I know about add IsUav=1 etc and it works however you cannot choose "gunner" from the UAV terminal. You have to be pilot/gunner in one.  Can someone please explain how I can add a dummy turret ( and I'm only assuming from what I have read this is correct item I shld be looking at ) if there isnt a position setup on the plane.



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Ok so slight update since back working on learning more about this stuff.


I now have the gunner camera lighting up BUT unable to choose it ( greyed out ) from the UAV terminal. Anyone able to point me in a direction to look for such an issue?

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