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Vit´s BTR 80 / goldmember´s Realistic Explosion Mod



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Wow very nice effect , is this PSP or PS effect?  smile_o.gif

No, it´s from the MASTER himself!

<img src="http://www.bobross.com/banner.gif/img]

MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

Whats that suppose to mean?  sad_o.gif

Ok heres a pic:

SASR raid on a stormy day , cmdr James got sand stuck in his eye during disembarking ... hes trying to clear his eyes ... or whatever you might wanna imagine ... i imagined that all up  tounge_o.gif


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This is Major Fubar in a game at Boneyards while he was driving me suddenly he dc and left me with this zombie AI in a buggy who hijacked me and then crashed in a pole in Kolgujv somewhere.... tounge_o.gif

Ahh! That mission! I kept spontaniously flying out of my buggy on that one! tounge_o.gif

@Phobos: That is one hell of a pic. Makes quite a nice new background smile_o.gif

@Acecombat: That guy has a television show, in which he does some very good paintings

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*Vicious Circle* / story & pics by Parvus - Part 2-

- Near Neveklov the konvoi stopped. A BMP 2 has troubles with his engine...overheated...


...what a unfortunatly position to break...


- the F.I.A took her posibility to attak...5,6,7  Rpg...*Booooommm*


- and 4 T80 was destroyed....the *proud* of the russians armoured forces; the 4th Tank Division *Vladimir Kruschenko* was reduced...


...could they look after they wanted to do in the beginning?... will be continued

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Very nice lee

You made those textures yourself? or did I missed something? rock.gif

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Very nice lee

You made those textures yourself? or did I missed something? rock.gif

Those are IL2 textures.


It takes longer to post here, than "reskin" one of the BF109´s.

MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

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How hard was the reskin? I must have a million '109 textures from IL2 FB!! Hmm, what's the unit limit ingame?  biggrin_o.gif

The planes are using one "basic" texture.

The same texture is what IL2 planes are using, only another file format.

As you can see on the nose of the planes, there are some faults, but the rest looks fine.

And now the last one(Textures from Snorri (i tested exact the same textures once on VITs 109 for testings) :




My favorite!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Awesome Lee.. doesnt even look like ofp. wow_o.gif

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Lol blackdog hehehe biggrin_o.gif


Crawling on roofs is dangerous for your health !

To stay ontopic ....



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@Harnu thanks for explaining that to me tounge_o.gif

@Phobos cool pics man the VIT one really rocks

@Lee nice pics allthose plane look good

@BD dude take your pills tounge_o.gif

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