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What is the best way to create and eventhandler for currentThrowable items?


I want an event handler to track every time I throw a throwable, so when my player's inventory of "HandGrenade"or "SmokeShellGreen" is depleted I can refill it.


I have tried to use an "explosion" EH with the following but does not work as _throwableArray is an array of strings, and I can't figure out how to create an array of throwables on the player...Also I don't think this would work for a "SmokeShell"

_throwableArray = [];
{ if (_x == _throwable) then {_throwableArray pushBack _x} } forEach (magazines player);
	_x addEventHandler ["Explosion", {
		params ["_vehicle", "_damage"];
		if (damage _vehicle > 0.1) then {
			if !( _throwable in (magazines player) ) then {for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {player addItemToVest _throwable};};
} forEach _throwableArray;


I have tried to use "AnimDone" EH, but could not even find the common animation for throwing...


player addEventHandler ["AnimDone", {
	params ["_unit", "_anim"];
	if (_anim == "AmovPercMrunSlowWpstDf_AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon_gthThrow") then {
		if !( _throwable in (magazines player) ) then {for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {player addItemToVest _throwable};};


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This will give the player one RGO grenade when he's throwing the last one:


player addEventHandler ["Fired",{
	params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"];
	_toCheck = "HandGrenade";
	_last = magazines _unit findIf {_x isEqualTo _toCheck} < 0;
	if (_last) then {_unit addMagazineGlobal _toCheck};


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In case you are using ace with advanced throwing, the event handler is similar, it is just moved to cba event frame work

["ace_firedPlayer", {
  params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"];
  _toCheck = "HandGrenade";
  _last = magazines _unit findIf {_x isEqualTo _toCheck} < 0;
  if (_last) then {_unit addMagazineGlobal _toCheck};
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;


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6 hours ago, beako said:

I want an event handler to track every time I throw a throwable, so when my player's inventory of "HandGrenade"or "SmokeShellGreen" is depleted I can refill it.


//Get a list of all throwable magazine types
_throwables = [];
"_throwables append getArray( _x >> 'magazines' )" configClasses( configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "Throw" );

//Get a list of all players current throwables
_initialThrowables = magazines player select { _x in _throwables } call BIS_fnc_consolidateArray;

//Keep a note of intial throwables
player setVariable[ "initialThrowables", _initialThrowables ];
//Make a copy so we can track how many are left
player setVariable[ "throwableCounts", +_initialThrowables ];

//When the player fires
player addEventHandler [ "Fired", {
	params[ "_unit", "_weapon", "", "", "", "_magazine" ];

	//If he threw something
	if ( _weapon == "Throw" ) then {

		//Get our info for the thrown type
		_thrownInfo = _unit getVariable "throwableCounts" select { _x select 0 == _magazine } select 0;
		//If we are tracking this type
		//remember we are only tracking initial throwables
		//any different throwable types picked up after initialisation will have no info
		if !( isNil "_thrownInfo" ) then {
			//Decrease its count by 1
			_count = ( _thrownInfo select 1 ) - 1;
			//If we have run out of this type
			if ( _count isEqualTo 0 ) then {
				//Get the initial info for this type
				_initialInfo = player getVariable "initialThrowables" select { _x select 0 == _magazine } select 0;
				_unit addMagazines _initialInfo;
				//Reset type count
				_thrownInfo set [ 1, _initialInfo select 1 ];
				//Otherwise just update its count value
				_thrownInfo set [ 1, _count ];


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If anyone wants to have code executed when throwing a smoke grenade (color green). Good for calling heli extraction, paradrop, etc:  

["ace_firedPlayer", {
params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"];
if (_magazine == "rhssaf_mag_brd_m83_green") then {some code;} else {["Not working"] remoteExec ["hint",0];};
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

//add it to initPLayerLocal.sqf or where you see fit

Merry Christmas btw! 🎄

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