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How to use extdb3 to record the player's killing number, uid, name to the database?

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I want to record the player's uid, kill the enemy number, name to the database in the multiplayer mission, to show the player's killing number, How to use extdb3 to record the player's killing number, uid, name to the database?Please help me, thank you!

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Check out extDB3. There is also an MySQL plugin by @PixeL_GaMMa that you can use as well. Alternative would be profileNamespace as well. Clients can however edit their .vars file if you don't store on the server profile.




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In summary, you have to follow thoses steps :


if you know SQL and want to use extdb3

  1. install your mysql database, create your database + tables
  2. install extdb3
  3. use oo_extdb3 and check if you access to db server, database and table
  4. build your code to insert/update/delete the score (with the locality mindset)


if you don't know SQL langage, there are alternative methods like profilenamespace, or inidbi2


it is not recommended to use compiled dlls whose code is not officialy published, and the license is not known. There is no guarantee on this.

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