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[Solved] Spawning AI with Timed Loop

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EDIT: Solved. Add waitUntil {triggerActivated StartSpawn};
for "_i" from 1 To 4 do { to the start of the .sqf to limit the number of loops and add sleep 600; to the end, like so:




if !(isServer) exitWith {};

waitUntil {triggerActivated StartSpawn};
for "_i" from 1 To 4 do {

_spawnPoints = ["EnemySpawn01","EnemySpawn02","EnemySpawn03","EnemySpawn04"];
_unitsInGroup = ["O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_lite_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AAR_F","O_medic_F"];

_spawnMarker = _spawnpoints select (floor random (count _spawnpoints));

_unksSpawnPosition = getMarkerPos _spawnMarker; //[x,y,z]

newGroup = createGroup [east,true];
_newLeader = "O_Soldier_SL_F" createUnit [_unksSpawnPosition,newGroup,"newLeader = this"];
sleep 1;

    _newUnit = _x createUnit [_unksSpawnPosition,newGroup,"newUnit = this"];
    sleep .4;
}forEach _unitsInGroup;

[newGroup,getPos patrolCentre,50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
sleep 4;
newGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT";

sleep 600;



Trying to make an AI group spawn at 1 of 4 locations every 10 minutes when Opfor is present. Currently, Opfor enters condition area, a group spawns correctly, but it seems Opfor has to leave and re-enter the area to trigger another spawn. I want the trigger to loop continuously every 10 minutes so long as Opfor remains present.





Activation: Opfor

Activation Type: Present
Repeatable: Yes

Condition: this

On Activation: []execVM "EnemyWest01.sqf";






if !(isServer) exitWith {};

_spawnPoints = ["EnemySpawn01","EnemySpawn02","EnemySpawn03","EnemySpawn04"];
_unitsInGroup = ["O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_lite_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AAR_F","O_medic_F"];

_spawnMarker = _spawnpoints select (floor random (count _spawnpoints));

_unksSpawnPosition = getMarkerPos _spawnMarker; //[x,y,z]

newGroup = createGroup [east,true];
_newLeader = "O_Soldier_SL_F" createUnit [_unksSpawnPosition,newGroup,"newLeader = this"];
sleep 1;

    _newUnit = _x createUnit [_unksSpawnPosition,newGroup,"newUnit = this"];
    sleep .4;
}forEach _unitsInGroup;

[newGroup,getPos patrolCentre,50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
sleep 4;
newGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT";



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