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is it possible to create an movable control or drawing 2d on the screen (basically a line from me to the player infront of me (enemy or sth else doesnt matter)) Because i use drawline3d and this su*** sorry for that but the rendering is very bad.

I could see a guy using lines 2d but doing it with 3d stuff as i said above drawing line from player to enemy nevermind this guy made it in arma 2 he said that he used an movable dialog but i want to do it in a control or with drawline but it seems to not work any ideas?


Edit**: I found the video where he did this here 


Thanks, Armanda551

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Or simpler how can i draw lines in 3d space with Drawline Not Drawline3d

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an example of drawLine3D, that command should do exactly what you want

		_distance = round (_x distance player);
		if (_distance < 801 && _x != player) then
			_color = [0,0,0,1];
			_side = side _x;
			switch (_side) do
				case WEST: {_color = [0,0,1,1]};
				case EAST: {_color = [1,0,0,1]};
				case INDEPENDENT: {_color = [0,1,0,1]};
				case CIVILIAN: {_color = [0.4,0,1,1]};
			_distance = round (_x distance player);
			_posID = _x modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0];
			_posBase = eyePos _x;
			_posTL1 = [(_posBase select 0) - 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) - 4.9];
			_posBL1 = [(_posBase select 0) - 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) - 6.5];
			_posTR1 = [(_posBase select 0) + 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) - 4.9];
			_posBR1 = [(_posBase select 0) + 0.35, _posBase select 1, (_posBase select 2) - 6.5];
			_posTL2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) - 0.35, (_posBase select 2) - 4.9];
			_posBL2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) - 0.35, (_posBase select 2) - 6.5];
			_posTR2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) + 0.35, (_posBase select 2) - 4.9];
			_posBR2 = [_posBase select 0, (_posBase select 1) + 0.35, (_posBase select 2) - 6.5];
			if (_distance < 101) then
				drawIcon3D ["", _color, _posID, 0, 00, 45, format ["%1: %2m", name _x, _distance], 0, 0.023];
			} else {drawIcon3D ["", _color, _posID, 0, 00, 45, format ["*%1m",_distance], 0, 0.023]};
			drawLine3D [_posTL1, _posTR1, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posTL1, _posBL1, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posTR1, _posBR1, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posBL1, _posBR1, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posTL2, _posTR2, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posTL2, _posBL2, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posTR2, _posBR2, _color];
			drawLine3D [_posBL2, _posBR2, _color];

	} forEach allUnits;


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RscLine example.

terminate h;
h = [] spawn {
	_display = findDisplay 46;
	_ctrl = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscLine", 10001 ];
	while { true } do {
		_bobPos = worldToScreen getPosATL bob;
		if !( _bobPos isEqualTo [] ) then {
			if ( ctrlFade _ctrl > 0 ) then {
				_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
			_ctrl ctrlSetPosition[ 0.5, 0.5, ( _bobPos select 0 ) - 0.5, ( _bobPos select 1 ) - 0.5 ];
			//Bob is occluded work out screen space here to bob dir
			_ctrl ctrlSetFade 1;
		_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;

Where bob is the Object you are tracking. I have left you to work out screen space for when the object is occluded as its just toooo hot to have Arma running and I'm just too lazy :D

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Cool it worked, so i want to know how to draw it just on the player there shouldnt be a line to my middle of the screen


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Forget this question above my bad 


How can i ctrlSetPosition the line between 2 points like in drawline3d. I have 2 model points with selectionPosition i want a line from point a to b

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