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consumerables rework

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i feel like consumerables need a rework because right now, in its current form, antibiotics make every other consumerable redundant.

below is a system ive been thinking about that incorperates ALL the healing consumerables and makes each as valuable as each other

bandages get you to 50% health, then you need to disinfect the wound to add an additional 25% then antibotics to get you the last 25% you need
painkiller boosts health to full for a limited time but that time depleats so rapidly, there pretty much isnt any reason to take them but, if you slow the speed the antibotics heals for the last 25%, by quite alot as they are fast, you could use painkillers as a buff to the antbotics to incease the heal speed.

EDIT: due to writing this is the reaaaaly early hours of this morning, bandaging and disinfecting needs to be swapped around.

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4 hours ago, schluesselbart said:

Besides that you normally disinfect a wound before you bandage it, I find this is really a great idea! :thumbsup:

haha yes, correct. i wrote this at 4am blurry eyed so please forgive me! xD

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