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More options for Stealth or Non-combat players?

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I was really looking forward to this title. I am the kind of player who doesn't want to engage directly in PvP, but rather "loot and get out" dynamic.  I find it incredibly hard to do this as I always immediately either run into another player, or die of radiation. I often go in unarmed. I have found this really terrible experience as I don't have many options beside crouch behind cover or hide in a tree or bush.  When I do survive a shoot out or sneak away from an encounter I'm usually killed by radiation crouched trying to get to an exit. 

Will there be any other stealth or non-combat options added to the game? 

Also, Radiation seems to pop up out of nowhere. I actively check my map for the arrow marker, but don't see it. 

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bottom right of map for radiation indicator.

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Sometimes I go into an encounter bare handed. 

I just loot and find an exit. 

If someone starts shooting you just run. Running is actually a very viable strategy especially since the aiming and shooting right now is pretty clunky. 


About the radiation; when it starts coming you can hear that gueiguer counter noise which is an indication that you should find an exit and move out. 

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