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Charles Barkley

CfgVehicles EventHandlers "init" is not called properly

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I have the following CfgVehicles.hpp where I have a backpack which should initialize my script


class CfgVehicles{
    class B_AssaultPack_Base;
    class ReconMod_Camp_Backpack: B_AssaultPack_Base{
      scope = 2;
      displayName = "Recon camp backpack";
      vechicleClass = "Recon Mod";
      icon = "reconmod\data\images\reconmod_icon.paa";

      class eventhandlers{
       init = "_null = this call ReconMod_fnc_backpackInit;";



This does not work. But when I have this

this call ReconMod_fnc_backpackInit;


Within the init line in the Eden Editor everything works as expected. What did I miss to make the init call through the CfgVehicles.hpp work?




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Most likely this is not defined in an init eventhandler, but _this is. See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables for some ideas which magic variables exist in which circumstances. Also it would be better to not overwrite the init eventhandler but to add a subclass to eventhandlers, here a sample from the Nimitz:


                class EventHandlers {
                        class jdg_carrier {
                                init = "_this call TTT_nimitz_fnc_init";

Your example might look like

      class eventhandlers
        class chba_backpackInit 
          init = "(_this select 0) call chba_ReconMod_fnc_backpackInit;";

Given chba is your new OFPEC tag ;)

  • Thanks 1

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