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Punishment when killing civi's by players

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@pierremgi - TvT 50/50 Campaign - You have to help me onesmore. As said earlier I would like to punish players when they kill a civilian (AI). The max number off civilians during the mission will be

6. When placing the script in the unit init it works all fine but only for 2 kills. I have been trying the use the addition codes too but dnt succeed unfortunately. Dnt forget noob here but love

doing this - appreciate yr help - thanks



Posted February 6

civilian men? I can't test it but try:


this addEventHandler ["killed",{ params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator","_side"]; if (([_killed,true] call bis_fnc_objectSide == civilian or captive _killed) && !isnull _instigator) exitWith { [side _instigator,-1,false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets }; if (count crew _killed >0) then { _side = [_killed,false] call bis_fnc_objectSide } else { _side = [_killed,true] call bis_fnc_objectSide }; [_side,-1,false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets }];


The problem is what you want to protect with that. I guess you can't copy/paste this code in all init fields of the units/vehicles.

So you can define an array of units. Never mind the method, just think about edited (3den) or spawned (in game). The second case needs a loop to refresh the array but, without treating the former units again and again.


First, the code is:

{ _x addEventHandler [.....]  } foreach AnArrayOfUnits; // can be [bob1,bob2,bob3] but also allUnits for example (men only), or vehicles (as written) or  allUnits + vehicles


Second, if you spawn some new units, you need to track the new units and "treat" them with EH. Two ways:

You treat them, immediatly once they spawn (I kept the case of an array here):

{ _x addEventHandler [....] } forEach arrayOfNewSpawnedUnits; // just after spawning code


or make a loop in init.sqf, waiting for some new arrival, considering general arrays like allUnits or vehicles:

[] spawn {

  while {true} do {

    { _x setVariable ["treated",true]; _x addEventHandler [....] } forEach AnArrayOfUnits select { !(_x getVariable ["treated",false]) };  // works fine with allUnits or vehicles




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0 = [] spawn {
  while {true} do {
      _x setVariable ["EHPunish",true,true];
      _x addEventHandler ["killed",{
        params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator","_side"];
        call {
          if (_killed == _instigator or isNull _instigator) exitWith {};
          if (side _instigator isEqualTo sideEnemy) exitWith {
            [_instigator,-1,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets
          if (([_killed,true] call bis_fnc_objectSide == civilian or captive _killed) && !isnull _instigator) exitWith {
            [side _instigator,-1,false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets
          if (count crew _killed >0) then {
            _side = [_killed,false] call bis_fnc_objectSide 
          } else {
            _side = [_killed,true] call bis_fnc_objectSide
          [_side,-1,false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets
    ]} forEach (allUnits select {isNil {_x getVariable "EHPunish"}});
    uisleep 5;


The 2 tickets limitation was due to the player becoming renegade (side enemy) when killing more than 2 civs.

added a specific condition to punish the renegade. Usually renagade doesn't live for a long time if AIs in area.

If you want to avoid this problem (side enemy), you can write: player addRating 1000000;  in intiPlayerLocal.sqf. So, the respawn ticket will be the unique punishment for players.


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@pierremgi - you made my day - thanks - both scripts working just fine with this "player addRating 1000000;" included. Using yr last script - thanks again 

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