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Take damage - Lose Vest

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Hello! What would be the easiest way to emulate losing your vest when getting hit?

I've been looking around for a simple solution. The gist of it would be:

  • Check if player has a vest on him
  • If player gets hit (if possible; if hit in the body and not arms, legs, etc.)
  • 1 in 20 chance that the vest is "destroyed" and removed from player. Would be nice if there is a simple way of making different chances of this happening for different kinds of vests. For example: a "heavy" vest might be more durable than a lighter one. Thus, harder to lose.


Any ideas?

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OK, just found there's an event handler for this kind of thing, at least to detect a hit.


this addEventHandler ["HitPart", {this execVM "script.sqf"}];

So there might be a way of detecting if the player is hit in the body I suppose. But I cannot figure this one out. The wiki isn't too clear on the subject IMO.

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3 minutes ago, fimpen said:

OK, just found there's an event handler for this kind of thing, at least to detect a hit.

So there might be a way of detecting if the player is hit in the body I suppose. But I cannot figure this one out. The wiki isn't too clear on the subject IMO.

I'm sure the folks editing the wiki would appreciate any suggestions on how to make the wiki more 'clear'.



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1 hour ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

I'm sure the folks editing the wiki would appreciate any suggestions on how to make the wiki more 'clear'.



I'm sure they would. I'll make sure to contact them.

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id love to be able to edit the wiki but i asked Dwarden a month ago and hes responded once but not since then so i guess no wiki account for me :(


anyways is this what your looking for? checks if the player has a best when shot, if he does then check if he was hit in the chest, if he was hit in the chest then it has a 20 percent chance of him loosing the vest

player addEventHandler ["HitPart",
	params ["_unit", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];
	if ((vest _unit) != "") then
			if (_x == "HitChest" && 20 > random 100) then
				removeVest _unit;
		} forEach _hitLoc;


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On 7/5/2018 at 9:57 PM, gokitty1199 said:

id love to be able to edit the wiki but i asked Dwarden a month ago and hes responded once but not since then so i guess no wiki account for me :(


anyways is this what your looking for? checks if the player has a best when shot, if he does then check if he was hit in the chest, if he was hit in the chest then it has a 20 percent chance of him loosing the vest

player addEventHandler ["HitPart",
	params ["_unit", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];
	if ((vest _unit) != "") then
			if (_x == "HitChest" && 20 > random 100) then
				removeVest _unit;
		} forEach _hitLoc;


Hey, thank you for the answer man!

Although I cannot get this one to work. Do I need to set the Player as _unit in the parameters? Or maybe use _this as Player?

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21 minutes ago, fimpen said:


_unit = (_this select 0);

if ((|#|vest _unit) != "") then



if (_x == "H....'

Error vest: Type Array, expected Object

This is the error I'm getting.

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params ["_target", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];


(_this select 0) params ["_target", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];

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2 hours ago, pierremgi said:


params ["_target", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];


(_this select 0) params ["_target", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];

derp thank you

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Thanks! So, would it be possible to change "vest" to an array of classnames?

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1 hour ago, fimpen said:

Thanks! So, would it be possible to change "vest" to an array of classnames?

do you mean like get all the vests that are in the game? what are you trying to do with the array

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17 minutes ago, gokitty1199 said:

do you mean like get all the vests that are in the game? what are you trying to do with the array

Nope. Like having an array of specific types of vests, i.e. using their classnames.


Btw, still cannot get this script to work. I'm beginning to wonder if it has something to do with Arma's hit detection. Seems like different body parts are hit more or less at random sometimes. Or more likely: it's a conflict with using ACE, I guess they handle damage and hit locations differently. Might have to dig into ACE and see what I can find.

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21 minutes ago, fimpen said:

Nope. Like having an array of specific types of vests, i.e. using their classnames.


Btw, still cannot get this script to work. I'm beginning to wonder if it has something to do with Arma's hit detection. Seems like different body parts are hit more or less at random sometimes. Or more likely: it's a conflict with using ACE, I guess they handle damage and hit locations differently. Might have to dig into ACE and see what I can find.

ah. yea you can but you would need to modify the script to work along side it because as of right now it works with any vest. change if (_x == "HitChest" && 20 > random 100) to

if (_x == "HitChest")

and see if it works, remember its a random chance that it will remove the vest

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Just for fun (shoot small caliber at head of "yourUnit"):

yourUnit addEventHandler ["handledamage", {
  if ((_this select 1) == "head" && headgear (_this select 0) != "") exitWith {
    _h = headgear (_this select 0);
    removeHeadgear (_this select 0);
    _g = goggles (_this select 0);
    removeGoggles (_this select 0);
    _nv = ((assignedItems (_this select 0)) select {_x find "NV" > -1}) select 0;
    (_this select 0) unlinkItem _nv;
    _w = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated",ASLtoATL eyePos (_this select 0),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _w addItemCargoGlobal [_h,1];
    _w addItemCargoGlobal [_g,1];
    _w addItemCargoGlobal [_nv,1];
    _w setVelocity [5 * sin ((_this select 3) getdir (_this select 0)), 5 * cos ((_this select 3) getDir (_this select 0)), 0.3];
    _w addTorque [random 0.02, random .02, random .02];


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9 hours ago, pierremgi said:

Just for fun (shoot small caliber at head of "yourUnit"):

yourUnit addEventHandler ["handledamage", {
  if ((_this select 1) == "head" && headgear (_this select 0) != "") exitWith {
    _h = headgear (_this select 0);
    removeHeadgear (_this select 0);
    _g = goggles (_this select 0);
    removeGoggles (_this select 0);
    _nv = ((assignedItems (_this select 0)) select {_x find "NV" > -1}) select 0;
    (_this select 0) unlinkItem _nv;
    _w = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated",ASLtoATL eyePos (_this select 0),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _w addItemCargoGlobal [_h,1];
    _w addItemCargoGlobal [_g,1];
    _w addItemCargoGlobal [_nv,1];
    _w setVelocity [5 * sin ((_this select 3) getdir (_this select 0)), 5 * cos ((_this select 3) getDir (_this select 0)), 0.3];
    _w addTorque [random 0.02, random .02, random .02];


I can already tell what it does from looking at it :D

Nice one. I opened up Goko's Ballistics mod to look at at how he did it. Though I couldn't get it to work with vests (even without the other features). So, is "handledamage" if a unit/object receives actual damage? That might be a better way of doing what I'm thinking about.

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Well, I've got no luck getting this to work even without ACE. Something I found out is that "Chest" doesn't seem to be a HitPart (at least not in game). All hits on the "chest" are actually body hits according to the game. Can't seem to find any chest location. The script doesn't work even if you switch out "HitChest" to "HitBody" though.

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3 hours ago, fimpen said:

Well, I've got no luck getting this to work even without ACE. Something I found out is that "Chest" doesn't seem to be a HitPart (at least not in game). All hits on the "chest" are actually body hits according to the game. Can't seem to find any chest location. The script doesn't work even if you switch out "HitChest" to "HitBody" though.

fixed. used the hitPart event handler to see what the part of the body was actually called and the chest area is spine1/spine3(couldnt find spine2 if it exists) but its tested and working

player addEventHandler ["HitPart",
	(_this select 0) params ["_unit", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc"];
	if ((vest _unit) != "") then
			if (_x == "spine1" || _x == "spine2" || _x == "spine3" && 20 > random 100) then
				removeVest _unit;
		} forEach _hitLoc;


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coming from getAllHitPointsDamage player (in debug console), the selection names are:



Yes, there are 2 "body"...

Compared with the hit parts:



the second selection name "body" seems to be linked with "incapacitated" hit part (as far as this is a part, rather a patch for some unconscious flag...Who knows?)


Anyway, your selections are, imho:





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8 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

coming from getAllHitPointsDamage player (in debug console), the selection names are:



Yes, there are 2 "body"...

Compared with the hit parts:



the second selection name "body" seems to be linked with "incapacitated" hit part (as far as this is a part, rather a patch for some unconscious flag...Who knows?)


Anyway, your selections are, imho:





i noticed with the hitpart EH, in the area that is covered by most of the vests it just triggers the spine, couldnt get body hits

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