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Stuck on defender

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So I'm replaying Operation Flashpoint, first Cold War Crisis, then perhaps Red Hammer and/or Resistance... this time I'm playing on veteran level as usual, but with super AI on and third-person view off.

I've played my way to the Defender mission (where you and your commander are to destroy four tanks). I laid the mines, grabbed the LAW, destroyed the tanks that weren't destroyed by the mines, and killed all the crew that I could find who had escaped. The APC that usually comes to pick you up had been blown up by one of the tanks, probably before they passed us (I heard a shot, my commander yelled "Under fire!" although he showed no sign of injury). So the commander orders me to go to CD50 (La Pessagne). We go there, he stops, nothing happens. I wait. I run to Vigny and back, still nothing. I run back to the tanks, bombard them with grenades (two of them then "blew up some more", probably those that the tank crews abandoned), I run back, nothing happens. I shoot the commander, still nothing happens...

Has anyone else had this problems? I'm fairly (although not completely) certain I've killed every living thing on the Russian side, apart from the jeep that passes before the tank (since the commander didn't tell me to attack it). I'm going to try ONE more time, this time blowing up that jeep, but I think I've let it pass before and still managed to complete the mission.

I know the two common suggestions, "try again" and "endmission", but I'd really like to manage this mission, and without going through the process of destroying the tanks over and over, they seem to be pretty tough (I've had to take two or three of them every time, although some of them hit mines)...

-- zenzelezz

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Don't blow the jeep. The mission get's botched. Just keep trying to play it normally and you'll get through it.

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Dont let the M113 APC get blown up, or the trigger wont get activated.

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