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Help With Expanding My Search Helicopter Script?

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Hey guys so I`ve been messing around with several commands over the past few hours and have put together a simple search helicopter script triggered by a custom detection script. Here is what I have so far:

while {alive searchHelo} do {

while {alive searchHelo && !freezing} do {
	if (callHeli) then {
		waitUntil {!isNil "searchArea"};
		_wp1 = searchCrew addWaypoint [searchArea, 0];
		_wp1 setWayPointType "SAD";
		_searchPattern = searchCrew knowsAbout sLeader;
		"Hostiles have reported contact. Enemy search helicopter is en-route to your last known location." remoteExec ["systemChat",0];
		waitUntil {freezing};
		deleteWaypoint [searchCrew,0];
		_wp2 = searchCrew addWaypoint [position helipad, 0];
		_wp2 setWayPointStatements ["true", "searchHelo land 'LAND'; searchHelo setFuel 1; deleteWaypoint [searchCrew,0]; heliTakeOff = true;"];
sleep 2;
sleep 2;

I am trying to brainstorm ways to allow for the search helicopter to constantly be updated on player locations and to adjust its waypoint path according to its level of knowledge of the player group. At it stands, the script works (minus the AI occasionally losing control of the heli and spinning in circles), but I`d like it to adjust its patrol path according to whether or not the crew can see the players, maybe go even further and relay the player locations to search teams. Anyone have anything to comment?




As an edit: Would anyone happen to know what causes this behavior from helicopter AI? I`ve seen this in other missions before too. Happens in my scenario after a few minutes of executing the S and D waypoint. I am running the ASR AI mod.


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if ((_heli knowsAbout _playerGroup ) > 3) the


   searchWp setWaypointPosition [center, radius];


Maybe something like this?

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