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Hey all! Me once again, this time I am creating a mission in a sort of WW2 style and i'm using the landing craft from the FFAA mod... What i'm trying to do is beach the landing craft (LCM-1E) and unload the troops/vehicles I have inside of it but it appears as if the AI just doesn't want to unload the troops? I'm not quite sure what it is or if I might be doing something wrong or maybe the mod developers didn't or weren't able to do this? Maybe it's broken? I have no clue but if someone knows anything about my issue I would very much appreciate the help... Or if you have any other landing craft mod suggestions (ALREADY COMPLETE) that work please also let me know as it would make this a million times easier, lol! Thank you in advance! 

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Transport unload does not work on the same units of the group that are the  crew. Like the leader of the group driving commander role ect. Transport unload works for a second group with  its own leader that's in cargo space of vehicle.  Are you using it for the same group or second group. ?



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You can make a trigger that executes upon activation like so:


[thisList] call mud_fnc_unloadCrew;


	Unload crew members of vehicle list passed
if(!canSuspend) exitWith {_this spawn mud_fnc_unloadCrew};
_crew = _list select{crew _x};
	if(alive _x) then
		moveOut _x;
	sleep 1;
} forEach _crew;

and to register the function in your description.ext:

class CfgFunctions
	class mud
		class mud_functions
			class unloadCrew{};

place a file named fn_unloadCrew.sqf under a folder you create functions\mud under your mission root with the contents of mud_fnc_unloadCrew above.


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5 hours ago, avibird 1 said:

Transport unload does not work on the same units of the group that are the  crew. Like the leader of the group driving commander role ect. Transport unload works for a second group with  its own leader that's in cargo space of vehicle.  Are you using it for the same group or second group. ?



The landing craft holds vehicles... This works in a helicopter all the time, giving the pilot the transport unload command and the troops unload because hes piloting the vehicle that's carrying the transport... I'm lost as to what you mean by second group? If I were to give the 'transport unload' to one of the vehicle drivers ( because I'm transporting vehicles in the landing craft as well) it would force the units inside of that vehicle to unload and not the landing craft units to unload...

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It just means as long as the team(s) to unload is a separate group (not same group as the transport) then it should be fine. The unload command is given to the transport. However unloading vehicles, I don't know. May have to ask the modding team if it works that way.

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