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Zamak truck driver seat is too high

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I saw players talk about this topic since 2013, fill be fixed? u cant look left/right cause Zamak truck driver seat is too high or the camera view is wrong, looking forward its like if the driver is touching his head with the roof too.


Maybe little things like this are causing to players the 3º person view cancer

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Lesson for you!


Ctrl + PgDown (or PgUp) will lower/raise your player characters head position.  Using this it's possible to now see out of Zamak and Hunter side windows.  Additionally you can use the Numpad arrow keys to move forward/back/left/right for a better view.



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8 hours ago, Imperator[TFD] said:

Lesson for you!


Ctrl + PgDown (or PgUp) will lower/raise your player characters head position.  Using this it's possible to now see out of Zamak and Hunter side windows.  Additionally you can use the Numpad arrow keys to move forward/back/left/right for a better view.




also Q and E can extend/retract the players telescopic neck to adjust the eye position!

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These comments are actually a kind of relief to me, I suspected that the whole truck model might be scaled a little to small which makes you feel like you're bumping your head to the roof in the cabin. So the scale of the truck is ok, but the headcam is too high. It would be nice if it was a better head position by default though, so that we wouldn't have to use the buttons. I always adjust the head position in helicopters as well, so I have a feeling it would be worthwhile for BI to just have a critical look at the head position in all of their vehicles.

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On 23/4/2018 at 1:37 AM, Imperator[TFD] said:

Lesson for you!


Ctrl + PgDown (or PgUp) will lower/raise your player characters head position.  Using this it's possible to now see out of Zamak and Hunter side windows.  Additionally you can use the Numpad arrow keys to move forward/back/left/right for a better view.



OMG i will test it right now¡ thank you very much.


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