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5. SS Panzer-Division "Wiking" | WW2 SS Milsim | Campaign & PVP | US TImezones

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5. SS Panzer-Division "Wiking"

Who Are We:

The 5th SS Panzer Division is a realism unit portraying the 5.SS PzDiv of the German SS.

We are a small scale unit (6 active) typically operating at squad level but as we expand we plan to begin platoon level operations.

Our main focus is on accurately portraying motorized/mechanized infantry  and Armored units in Arma 3, from the weapons and specials to the tactics and commands given. Training in the unit is based on the manuals of the time so you can rest assured your experience will be as close to what the real soldiers of the time went though.


What do we do:

Our unit strives to provide a realistic experience in ARMA 3, to this end we organize campaigns with shifting front lines and the ever present need for supply. 


What we play as well:

We also play competitively in War thunder. We are coming over to Arma to get the Military simulation aspect of the 5.SS PzDiv


Website: https://5sspzdiv.shivtr.com/

Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/5SSpanzerWiking



SS-Hauptscharfuhrer Friedrich A. Kostler


Gruppenführer of Erste gruppe "Kostler"

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