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Weapon holster by key pressed

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Hi i need someone that can make a simple holster script for me that allows the player to holster his weapon after pressing


for now i use this

player addAction ["Holster weapon","holsterpistol.sqf"]


at the holsterpistol.sqf there is this code

player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, -1];

pretty simple but im tryna keep the actionbar empty

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Don't expect it done for you. Learn and try yourself. Check this out:



Here is a snippet from mine to give you an idea.

#define DIK_H 0x23

case DIK_H :
	player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, -1];

I have a keyDownHandler function with switch block. Params:

params ["_display", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];

I use _key for the switch condition.



It may be better to set true for the switch condition and then for the case do something like:

	case (_key isEqualTo DIK_H && _shift) :
		player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, -1];

_shift returns BOOL.

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3 minutes ago, HazJ said:

Don't expect it done for you. Learn and try yourself. Check this out:



Here is a snippet from mine to give you an idea.

#define DIK_H 0x23

case DIK_H :
	player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, -1];

I have a keyDownHandler function with switch block. Params:

params ["_display", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];

I use _key for the switch condition.

Thank you for the basic! i'll see if i could make it work thanks.

i might have some questions in the future tho :P

the first question is whats the DIK_H 0x23 means

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Sure, that is fine. If you get stuck, I and others would be happy to help. I personally don't like it when people expect it all done and aren't willing to learn/try. That's all. I edited my post above by the way.

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Hello there MC.Quit !


Well , what HazJ told you is right.


16 hours ago, MC.Quit said:

pretty simple but im tryna keep the actionbar empty


15 hours ago, HazJ said:


But since there might be a lot of people ,  who are trying to find this ,


write this in your init.sqf :

//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 04.04.18 _____________


hint"Holster Weapon with key 5";

[] spawn {
	waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)};

	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
		if(_this select 1 == 0x06) //number 5
		then {
			_Holster_Weapon_ctrl = (_this select 0) displayCtrl 9001;
			if(isNull(_Holster_Weapon_ctrl)) then {
				_Holster_Weapon_ctrl = (_this select 0) ctrlCreate ["RscText", 9001];
				_Holster_Weapon_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneXAbs, SafeZoneY + (SafeZoneH - 0.05) / 2, 0.2, 0.03];
				_Holster_Weapon_ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight 0.03;
				_Holster_Weapon_ctrl ctrlSetText "Weapon Holstered";
				_Holster_Weapon_ctrl ctrlShow false;
				_Holster_Weapon_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
			_shown = ctrlShown _Holster_Weapon_ctrl;
			//this is for earplugs - mute sound
			//0.1 fadeSound (if(_shown)then{1}else{0.1}); 
			//Weapon on the back
			player action ["SWITCHWEAPON",player,player,-1];
			waitUntil {currentWeapon player == "" or {primaryWeapon player == "" && handgunWeapon player == ""}};
			_Holster_Weapon_ctrl ctrlShow !_shown;


Once is holstered ,  press the number for the weapon that you want to draw

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No need for call + spawn together. I don't know what it is but I'm seeing this a lot on these forums very recently + new threads.

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14 minutes ago, HazJ said:

No need for call + spawn together.


I fix it above and added also an option for lowering volume.


//this is for earplugs - mute sound

//0.1 fadeSound (if(_shown)then{1}else{0.1});


Thanks HazJ!

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