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September 1939 / Wrzesień 1939


The year is 1939. Poland celebrates the 21st year of independence regained after 123 years of partitions by Russia/Austria/Prussia. On September 1st armed forces of Germany and Slovakia, followed by Soviet Union on September 17th attack Poland - all without any war declaration, breaking the non-aggression pacts and international laws. An uneven struggle begins as Poland mobilises it's forces in face of the aggression. World War 2 begins - the most bloody and life-costing conflict in human history...

September 1939 mod reunites the former founding-fathers of the original Operation Flashpoint modification (MarekModel & Jaksa), bringing some "fresh blood" on board (such as Topas, Abs, Lecholas and recently Vilas). Goal of ours is to recreate the weaponry, gear and armament of the Polish Army, as well as the opposing sides as truly to the historical facts as possible, including a believable 1930's environment, depicting Poland contemporary to the events.

Authors (OFP, ArmedAssault, ArmA2)



Authors and help (ArmA3)


















September 1939 / Wrzesień 1939 DOWNLOAD


This mod need for function mod CSA38.

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We are all deeply thankful for all people involved in this great moment (directly and indirectly).  Gathering one year ego once more all enthusiasts and restarting all subjects lead finally to this successful end. All September 39 lovers dreams just come true. Great work was done by our big friend PetrTlach to return for all history funs this great mod.


We can only say... Thank You PetrTlach!


We will still work close with CSA38 team and support all new content updates.


All Poland is realy happy now!

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Finally another well deserved under represented nation to the ww2 scene ! Congratulations on the release.:drinking2:

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The Dream came true. Finally I have a reason to buy Arma 3.

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On 13. 4. 2018 at 9:04 PM, gracz said:

The Dream came true. Finally I have a reason to buy Arma 3.


That sound good :D :D 

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WOW! TKS reconnaissance tank in action :eyeheart:

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8 hours ago, vintorez said:

WOW! TKS reconnaissance tank in action :eyeheart:


Yes. TKS normal and 20 mm

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