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Repairing vehicle

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I was trying to do something simple (repair a truck) but for some reason it's not working.

Here's what I do.

I place empty "C_Offroad_01_F" on the map, set the "health / armor" to 25%. Then I place "repair specialist" (as player) and the I start the mission and begin repairing the car but after repair animation the damage of the truck is exactly the same.

why isn't repairing working? is this a bug?



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18 minutes ago, gc8 said:


I was trying to do something simple (repair a truck) but for some reason it's not working.

Here's what I do.

I place empty "C_Offroad_01_F" on the map, set the "health / armor" to 25%. Then I place "repair specialist" (as player) and the I start the mission and begin repairing the car but after repair animation the damage of the truck is exactly the same.

why isn't repairing working? is this a bug?




If you using Toolkits, as I believe will only repair it so the damage goes to amber it won't be a full repair. but If your making a script for this take a look at BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd


If your making a script for this take a look at this as I use this and it works.


    Author - Apex
	© All Memes Reserved
	Website - https://sora3milsim.com



_question = ["Would You like to repair this Vehicle?","Question",true,true] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
waitUntil {!isNil "_question"};

if(_question) then
		"Repair Vehicle",
		"((_caller distance _target) < 3.5) AND (alive _caller) AND (alive _target) AND ('ToolKit' in (items player)) AND (isNull objectParent player) AND SOR_Action",
		{if((animationState player) != "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1") then {player switchMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1"; player playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1"}},
		{(_this select 0) setDamage 0; player playActionNow "stop"; SOR_Action = false; ["SUCCESS","You have repaired that Vehicle."] call SOR_fnc_showNotification;},
		{[(_this select 0),(_this select 2)] call BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove; player playActionNow "stop"; SOR_Action = false; ["ERROR","You have stopped holding space as a result of that the Vehicle has not been repaired."] call SOR_fnc_showNotification;},
	] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;

	SOR_Action = true;

Just paste that into a file called whatever you want so for example Repair.sqf then I call this via a keyHandler but you can do something like

cursorTarget [] execVM "Repair.sqf";

I kept the header on there just pasted the whole file for you so if you want you can remove the header. You will need to edit the script a bit as its set up to call my notification system. and its uses the SOR_Action which is optional though.


Hope this helps.

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@BradApex Thanks but I'm not making a repair script.. just trying to repair a vehicle that's all :)


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So is this a bug? Do I need to script the repairing my self? anyone?


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26 minutes ago, gc8 said:

So is this a bug? Do I need to script the repairing my self? anyone?


So you are repairing it but nothing happens? As BradApex mentioned, the ToolKits only repair damage up to the point where you can still "drive" the vehicle, maybe this point is exactly at 25%, that's why the repair tool doesn't seem to work.
Try shooting a tire and then repair it, if the tire is still gone, then it might be a bug.

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39 minutes ago, KokaKolaA3 said:

So you are repairing it but nothing happens? As BradApex mentioned, the ToolKits only repair damage up to the point where you can still "drive" the vehicle, maybe this point is exactly at 25%, that's why the repair tool doesn't seem to work.
Try shooting a tire and then repair it, if the tire is still gone, then it might be a bug.


Ok I tried shooting tire and then repairing the tire works. (Car is left full of bullet holes though)


But as for damage set in the editor I only get the repair option for vehicles that have 30% or less health and then the repair does nothing.

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11 minutes ago, gc8 said:


Ok I tried shooting tire and then repairing the tire works. (Car is left full of bullet holes though)


But as for damage set in the editor I only get the repair option for vehicles that have 30% or less health and then the repair does nothing.

Yea, that's because you can't fully repair a vehicle with a Repair Tool. That's not a bug it's a "feature" :f:

It's just a "field repair" so only a quick repair to get stuff fixed so it runs, not a full car wash to make it look flawless.

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27 minutes ago, KokaKolaA3 said:

Yea, that's because you can't fully repair a vehicle with a Repair Tool. That's not a bug it's a "feature" :f:

It's just a "field repair" so only a quick repair to get stuff fixed so it runs, not a full car wash to make it look flawless.


so it's only able to fix tires? in my tests the actual health never changes...


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It fixes everything up to the point where the engine works, the fuel tank doesn't leak and the tire's are working. This changes from vehicle to vehicle, for a tank it also repairs the turret and for a helicopter the rotors.

To check if the health actually changes, put this in the Debug Console: damage cursortarget

Press Escape in Singleplayer and then it should look like this: 



Put damage cursortarget in the line where the red arrow is. Press continue and aim on the damaged car, then press escape again and in the line below what you've just entered is displayed the current damage value. Do this before and after a repair and before shooting the tires and after, you will notice changes.

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It looks like repairing with the toolkit doesn't actually change the damage value of the vehicle, it just restores functionality.


A value of 0.9 is apparently the point at which a vehicle is ready to explode. If in the vehicle's init* I set its damage to just above that threshold (0.899999), I can see in-game that all components are RED. If I repair the vehicle, all components return to AMBER. However, getDammage still returns a value of 0.899999.


*Side note: Setting damage via the slider is inaccurate at best, and entering a value directly does not set that exact value. For example, were I to attempt to set the damage to the above value, getDammage would return a value of 0.9.

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2 hours ago, KokaKolaA3 said:

Put damage cursortarget in the line where the red arrow is. Press continue and aim on the damaged car, then press escape again and in the line below what you've just entered is displayed the current damage value. Do this before and after a repair and before shooting the tires and after, you will notice changes.


Thanks but I already did this that's why I know the repair doesn't effect the damage value of the car. The repair only seems to fix components of the vehicle. For example if engine is broken it fixes that, if tire is broken it fixes that. But it never changes the overall condition (damage) of the car. Which Harzach also noted.

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