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Marker on top of other marker

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I have this problem where certain map markers move on top of other markers even though I want a specific marker to always stay on top of all other markers. What decides the layer position of a marker?



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Probably in the same order you create them. Try to refresh the position of your top marker.

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Thanks, that's what I was thinking as well but problem is that I've already created lots of markers so it would be a hassle understanding which one goes where.

I've noticed that you can't edit the mission.sqm in arma like you could in OFP for instance.. also it's all in shambles when you open it. Otherwise I guess I could change the order of markers more easily by editing the mission.sqm. Is there a way to edit the mission.sqm in Arma 3 without messing up the mission?



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25 minutes ago, Taylor1984 said:

Thanks, that's what I was thinking as well but problem is that I've already created lots of markers so it would be a hassle understanding which one goes where.

I've noticed that you can't edit the mission.sqm in arma like you could in OFP for instance.. also it's all in shambles when you open it. Otherwise I guess I could change the order of markers more easily by editing the mission.sqm. Is there a way to edit the mission.sqm in Arma 3 without messing up the mission?




In the settings accessible within the 3DEN editor, there is one for binarizing the mission.sqm. Just uncheck it and save. 

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Funny, I just discovered that by accident myself just now before I read your comment. :)

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I'm still having problems with this, actually.


I have these markers placed on the map in the editor and while playing the mission I'm creating new markers as I go and if one of the new markers gets created at the position of one of the original markers the new marker will be placed on top of the original marker. I would like to create new markers that ends up underneath all other markers. Is this possible?



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Maybe try EachFrame event handler, and

Count allMapMarkers array.  Count changes when markers get added or deleted.

Could create a custom array at mission start, and use that to refresh position of the original markers whenever a new marker is added during mission?


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I use a re-marker script to recreate a marker (always is on top of other markers):


ADF_fnc_remarker = {
	////// ["myMarker"] call ADF_fnc_remarker;
	params [
		["_oldMarker", "", [""]]

	// Check marker
	if !(_oldMarker in allMapMarkers) exitWith {
		diag_log format ["Marker: '%1' is not a valid marker or does not exist", _oldMarker];

	// Store marker data
	private _name = _oldMarker;
	private _position = getMarkerPos _oldMarker;
	private _type = getMarkerType _oldMarker;
	private _colour = getMarkerColor _oldMarker;
	private _shape = markerShape _oldMarker;
	private _dir = markerDir _oldMarker;
	private _size = getMarkerSize _oldMarker;
	private _text = markerText _oldMarker;	
	private _alpha = markerAlpha _oldMarker;
	private _brush = markerBrush _oldMarker;

	// Hack due to bug in ARMA3 
	if !(_type isKindOf "CfgMarkers") then {_type = "";};
	if !(_shape in ["ICON", "RECTANGLE", "ELLIPSE", "POLYLINE"]) then {
		_shape = "ICON";
		_type = "hd_dot";
		_colour = "ColorUNKNOWN";
		_text = "Marker Error";

	// Delete the marker
	deleteMarker _oldMarker;

	// re-create the marker on top of the object markers
	private _newMarker = createMarker [_name, _position];
	_newMarker setMarkerType _type;
	_newMarker setMarkerColor _colour;
	_newMarker setMarkerShape _shape;
	_newMarker setMarkerDir _dir;
	_newMarker setMarkerSize _size;
	_newMarker setMarkerText _text;
	_newMarker setMarkerAlpha _alpha;
	_newMarker setMarkerBrush _brush;

	// Return the new marker


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