GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted November 5, 2018 2 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: simple weapon shops script by hoverguy Is there a ready mission including this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 1 minute ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said: Is there a ready mission including this ? not sure if i understand your question, what do you mean? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted November 5, 2018 Have you include this to your script or in a mission that i can test ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 Just now, GEORGE FLOROS GR said: Have you include this to your script or in a mission that i can test ? oh, no i have not worked with it for a while sorry, maybe @LSValmont has something for you;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted November 5, 2018 Thanks ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 it is however really cool, you can customize a lot and it comes with a persistency system. it has a virtual currency and reputatiom system with ranks. you can add custom traders (gear, weaps,vehicles,aircraft) or shops and customize what stuff they sell. you can also set at what rank a shop becomes available and the prices of items may be reduced by your rank. you could very easily add the experience system to your mission script, so you get money and experience per completed task. it takes some time to set up and configure, but it is pretty awesome. definitely something i would consider for a own mission, but i have not yet set up a final system as i am focusing on my own scripts first. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LSValmont 789 Posted November 5, 2018 3 hours ago, Vandeanson said: i looked into the NR script quickly: so the NR spawner would not spawn in that many units,that close and that fast. for each player it initiates the position check every 1-2 minutes. so let me know what you find out After removing the LV script the issue was no more... Here is the LV Random Sectors Script: The LV scripts and the Random Sector script in particular spawns enemy groups that populate and patrol in and around buildings at random locations defined by gamelogics, then when almost defeated it would send reinforcements via choppers. If the group is defeated then the script sleeps and then spawns the enemies again at another random location defined by other gamelogics. It is weird that both are conflicting in such drastic way. 2 hours ago, Vandeanson said: I am thinking about adding a larger scale sanctuary that is either occupied by friendlies or enemies. if under friendly control it may offer: if under enemy control: - after a takeover by friendlies, you will be tasked to clear the area from remaining enemy AI presence, roadblocks, minefields and IEDs. will think about what other features could be added that make this provide interesting gameplay... i am very open for your ideas:) This is just awesome! I was just working on a kind of similar system but since my mission is not just COOP but also PVP oriented my implementation is not based on Side but on Player. Basically, a player can Own locations/territory. They can then set the prices and earn money from their territory. They have to defend it as other players can also buy any territory and evict the previous owner. The more territories players have the more money it costs to buy additional ones but also the greater their daily income becomes. The territories and the NPCs there are BLUFOR and always friendly to "survivor" players but as soon as a player fires at the territory owner and/or other BLUFOR NPCs they and their group become "Bandits" (INDEPENDENT) for XX amounts of seconds and the Survivor camps and NPCs become hostile to them. The territory owner can kill other survivors without becoming a bandit thou so that is another incentive to own as many territories as possible. The whole idea is that players vote on the mission time and then when the time is up the player with the most territories under their control is the winner. Here is what I got so far: Nevermind the last screenshot's "Shop" maker label, I didn't change the script yet but it is supposed to say TERRITORY instead of Shop =) I will do some improvements and send you my mission in a few hours so that my layout and scripts can serve you as an inspiration. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LSValmont 789 Posted November 5, 2018 13 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: oh, no i have not worked with it for a while sorry, maybe @LSValmont has something for you;) As a matter of fact I actually do! I've been working quite extensively to adapt the simple weapon shops script by hoverguy to work nicely with the latest version of Ravage. I will send you both my mission with the updated version in a few hours. Mission Requirements: - CBA - CUP (The whole lineup) - Chernarous 2035 map - Ravage - Stalker Like Anomalies (2MB) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted November 5, 2018 3 minutes ago, LSValmont said: As a matter of fact I actually do! Nice ! I'll be waiting ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 30 minutes ago, LSValmont said: The territories and the NPCs there are BLUFOR and always friendly to "survivor" players but as soon as a player fires at the territory owner and/or other BLUFOR NPCs they and their group become "Bandits" (INDEPENDENT) for XX amounts of seconds and the Survivor camps and NPCs become hostile to them. The territory owner can kill other survivors without becoming a bandit thou so that is another incentive to own as many territories as possible. wow this sounds pretty badass from a coding perspective! i like the general idea as well! looking forward to receive it, surely loads of good inputs for me there! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 additional ideas for the sanctuary: if overrun my Zombies and contaminated: - a third status would be after the sanctary has been overrun by zombies and has to be cleared again - or that it has been contaminated and the area can only be entered with contaminatiom gear. players have to either wait for the contamination to fade or find and remove the source of the contamination Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 116 Posted November 5, 2018 26 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: additional ideas for the sanctuary: if overrun my Zombies and contaminated: - a third status would be after the sanctary has been overrun by zombies and has to be cleared again - or that it has been contaminated and the area can only be entered with contaminatiom gear. players have to either wait for the contamination to fade or find and remove the source of the contamination Always like to hear about these types of ideas. How about 2 more? See I consider this post apocalyptic/ survival games modes ones where there is typically no power grids, so having to use gas generators should be a thing. Also, needing to use flood lights and illuminating flares at night. Alais ha made some work around for both these. He has good scripts. Flares at night and turrets with search lights would be cool too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 @jandrews very good ideas, power generator and lights, as well as turrets with searchlights! will be new for me but i ll add it to the list. generators could periodically malfunction and players have to repair it or refuel it 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lv1234 75 Posted November 5, 2018 @VandeansonSo I'm working and testing your new randomized bandit camp script before testing your other ones, there is some problems and questions about this about what I am seeing in the editor. -sometimes, some of the bandit ai would randomly wonder off from their camp. -why are they sometimes armed with flares and a flashlight? -I also feel like this bandit camp is a downgrade compared to your older one. This is due to the fact that the # of bandit camps that spawn is significantly less now even when increasing the amount that can spawn. This makes it wayyy to rare to find bandit camps compared to the older script, where they weren't too rare or too common by default. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 @lv1234thanks for testing and the feedback! interesting.. few questions ahead: - what mods are u using? - can you use zeus and send me a printscreen of the map in zeus view? you can easily upload pictures on imgur for free and without login - what map are you testing this on? so some answers already: 1. flashlights and flares are usually considered secondary weapons, thanks for that observation, i need to exclude such items from the AI equipper 2. 50% of AI get the bis fnc task defend and 50% get the bis fnc task patrol. this causes some of them to patrol around. the waypoint distance can be adjusted, so they dont go too far, i thinkni can add a setting for that 3. if less camps spawn than the number you entered in VD_Settings.sqf then it is likely because they can not find enough positions. reduce the minimum distance in VD_Settings.sqf that camps need to have between each other. again here it would be interesting to see the screenshot in zeus view of the map and to know what map u use. if there is not enough open space on the map that might also be an issue cheers vd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lv1234 75 Posted November 5, 2018 1 minute ago, Vandeanson said: thanks for testing and the feedback! interesting.. few questions ahead: - what mods are u using? - can you use zeus and send me a printscreen of the map in zeus view? you can easily upload pictures on imgur for free and wothout login - what map are you testing this on? so some answers already: 1. flashlights and flares are usually considered secondary weapons, thanks for that observation, i need to exclude such items from the AI equipper 2. 50% of AI get the bis fnc task defend and 50% get the bis fnc task patrol. this causes some of them to patrol around. the waypoint distance can be adjusted, so they dont go too far, i thinkni can add a setting for that 3. if less camps spawn than the number you entered in VD_Settings.sqf then it is likely because they can not find enough positions. reduce the minimum distance in VD_Settings.sqf that camps need to have between each other. again here it would be interesting to see the screenshot in zeus view of the map and to know what map u use. if there is not enough open space on the map that might also be an issue cheers vd Mods used -RHSUSAF and RHSAFRF -Cup weapons, core, vehicles, units -Friths ruins -3eden enhanced -Ravage -extended fortifications mod -NIarms core all in one -Warfare thaiex -IFA3_AIO_LITE -enhanced movement -cba3 Used my Ravage altis mp map For the answers given to the questions -The thing is that some of the ai instantly wonder off a huge distance from their camp and never return -I'll give you the zeus screenshots when I have time, I left the settings at default Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 @lv1234 ok thanks foe the additional info. i will check the AI behaviour accordingly. I am usually using AsIR, maybe this makes the AI patrol better too FYI. will get back after i was able to test;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 116 Posted November 5, 2018 53 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: @lv1234 Check patrol settings distance. Vandeanson. The reason I linked alais website is b/c he fixed the flares issues. Bi flares are absolutely crap. He has some scripts that change the brightness of flares. If you have time check his coding out. May make coding that stuff easier 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lv1234 75 Posted November 5, 2018 1 hour ago, jandrews said: Check patrol settings distance. Vandeanson. The reason I linked alais website is b/c he fixed the flares issues. Bi flares are absolutely crap. He has some scripts that change the brightness of flares. If you have time check his coding out. May make coding that stuff easier Pretty sure it has nothing to do with patrol distance, since this behavior doesn't occur to all bandit camps. I also forgot to add that this issue also occurred to the older implementation of bandit camps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterOth 76 Posted November 5, 2018 Hello ! Thank you again for your work. I need some clarification. - How the LootboxSpawner work ? I put a survivor in the editor and start, but no crate is next to me in the mission. Or maybe I don't understand what the Personal Lootcrate is supposed to do ? Also, same here with the flashlight issue for the Bandit camp Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 Spoiler /* L O B B Y Adjust your personal settings */ /*Section 1: General*/ VD_Debug_Hints_Allowed = true; //for mission making - throws hint at you if something is not right - WIP, currently applicable for VD_SW_SpawnerMrkr.sqf VD_SpawnMinDist = 700; //the closest any site will spawn to any player VD_SpawnMaxDist = 8000;//the furhest away from a player any site will spawn VD_UptimeFix = 2500; // fix time before a site is despawned and respawned VD_UptimeRnd = 1000; // random time added after fix time has expired until site despawn and respawn. e.g. additional time would be between 0 and 1000 seconds. VD_DeletionSaveZone = 900; //a site will not despawn as long as any player is XYZ meters close /*Section 1.1: AI*/ VD_AIChanceRifle = 30; // chance in % for AI to spawn with Rifle (0-100) VD_AIChancePistol = 100; // chance in % for AI to spawn with Pistol (0-100) VD_AIChanceMoney = 20; // maximum random amount of money AI may spawn with /*Section 2: Site specific settings*/ /*Section 2.1: Hideouts*/ VD_HO_AmountOfSpawns = 10; //amount of sites to spawn, set to 0 to disable VD_HO_Spawn_Array = ["VD_HO_Spawn_1", "VD_HO_Spawn_2", "VD_HO_Spawn_3", "VD_HO_Spawn_4", "VD_HO_Spawn_5", "VD_HO_Spawn_6", "VD_HO_Spawn_7", "VD_HO_Spawn_8", "VD_HO_Spawn_9","VD_HO_Spawn_10","VD_HO_Spawn_11","VD_HO_Spawn_12","VD_HO_Spawn_13","VD_HO_Spawn_14","VD_HO_Spawn_15","VD_HO_Spawn_16","VD_HO_Spawn_17","VD_HO_Spawn_18","VD_HO_Spawn_19","VD_HO_Spawn_20"]; VD_HO_DistanceCheck = 700; /*Section 2.2: Crashsites*/ VD_CS_AmountOfSpawns = 10; //amount of sites to spawn, set to 0 to disable VD_CS_spawnDistToOtherCS = 1000; // set mimimum distance in meters required between sites VD_CS_Spawn_Array = ["VD_CS_Spawn_1", "VD_CS_Spawn_2", "VD_CS_Spawn_3", "VD_CS_Spawn_4", "VD_CS_Spawn_5", "VD_CS_Spawn_6", "VD_CS_Spawn_7", "VD_CS_Spawn_8", "VD_CS_Spawn_9","VD_CS_Spawn_10","VD_CS_Spawn_11","VD_CS_Spawn_12","VD_CS_Spawn_13","VD_CS_Spawn_14","VD_CS_Spawn_15","VD_CS_Spawn_16","VD_CS_Spawn_17","VD_CS_Spawn_18","VD_CS_Spawn_19","VD_CS_Spawn_20"]; /*Section 2.3: Basebuilding EDN Fortification*/ VD_EDN_Basebuilding = true; // set to true if Basebuilding script should run. set to false if not. seperate mod file needed, see forum post. VD_EDN_MatboxAmount = 8; // enter how many times the material box spawner should execute (each execution spawns 1 Material box in a house and 1 on the road) /* Section2.4: Bandit Camp:*/ VD_BC_MrkrArray = ["VD_BC_Mrkr_1","VD_BC_Mrkr_2","VD_BC_Mrkr_3","VD_BC_Mrkr_4","VD_BC_Mrkr_5","VD_BC_Mrkr_6","VD_BC_Mrkr_7","VD_BC_Mrkr_8","VD_BC_Mrkr_9","VD_BC_Mrkr_10","VD_BC_Mrkr_11"]; VD_BC_CampSpawnAmountRnd = 10; //amount of sites to spawn at random positions (no markers), set to 0 to disable VD_BC_CampSpawnAmountMrkr = 0; //amount of sites to spawn at preplaced markers, set to 0 to disable VD_BC_DistanceCheck = 500; /*Section2.5: Ship Wrecks*/ /*note that SW spawn even in the smallest puddle, not only on the coast where it makes sense, depending on your map, you might want to use markers only instead*/ /*place ALL markers below at the coast of your map, add more markers in this array (following the format) if you want to spawn more wrecks - amount of markers should always be double of spawned wrecks! The script finds suitable places near the marker, hence marker placement must not be 100% exact*/ VD_SW_MrkrArray = ["VD_SW_Mrkr_1","VD_SW_Mrkr_2","VD_SW_Mrkr_3","VD_SW_Mrkr_4","VD_SW_Mrkr_5","VD_SW_Mrkr_6","VD_SW_Mrkr_7","VD_SW_Mrkr_8","VD_SW_Mrkr_9","VD_SW_Mrkr_10","VD_SW_Mrkr_11","VD_SW_Mrkr_12","VD_SW_Mrkr_13","VD_SW_Mrkr_14","VD_SW_Mrkr_15","VD_SW_Mrkr_16","VD_SW_Mrkr_17","VD_SW_Mrkr_18","VD_SW_Mrkr_19","VD_SW_Mrkr_20"]; VD_SW_SpawnAmountRnd = 10;// set number: amount of Shipwrecks that should spawn randomly VD_SW_DistanceCheck = 1000; VD_SW_SpawnAmountMrkr = 0;// set number: amount of Shipwrecks that should spawn at placed markers - I recommend to always place double amount of markers as desired shipwrecks, to ensure changing spawnpositions at respawn. Hence, if you have more than or nearly 20 wrecks spawning, you should add additional markers to the array "VD_SW_MrkrArray" above and place the additional markers in your map /*Section 2.6: Trader Camp*/ //add or remove markers here (one marker = TC refreshes at the same place). multiple Markers will make the site change position from time to time VD_TC_MarkerArray = ["VD_TC_Mrkr_1","VD_TC_Mrkr_2","VD_TC_Mrkr_3","VD_TC_Mrkr_4","VD_TC_Mrkr_5","VD_TC_Mrkr_6","VD_TC_Mrkr_7"]; /*Section 2.7: Huntable Animals*/ VD_AS_AmountOfSpawns = 8; /*Section 2.8: Rideable Horses*/ /*Requirements: Scripts: VD_DBO_Horse_Spawner.sqf Mods: DBO_Horses on steam */ VD_DBO_Horses_AmountOfSpawns = 10; //amount of horses to spawn, set to 0 to disable /*Section 2.9: Feral dog pack by JBDOG*/ VD_JBDOG_AmountOfSpawns = 1; /*Section 3: blacklist weapons or items or equipment from the loot arrays, enter as = ["classnameofitem","lastclassname"]; MIND THE COMMA! Or exclude defined groups of items, e.g. Vanilla items or Mod specific items*/ //Remove Vanilla Weapons: VD_NoVanillaPistols = false; //set to true to not spawn vanilla weapons VD_NoVanillaRifles = false; //set to true to not spawn vanilla weapons VD_NoVanillaLaunchers = false; //set to true to not spawn vanilla weapons VD_NoVanillaVests = false; VD_NoVanillaBackpacks = false; VD_NoVanillaHeadgears = false; VD_NoVanillaGoggles = false; VD_NoVanillaUniforms = false; //remove Ravaged Vanilla weaponState VD_NoRavagedRifles = false; //set to true to not spawn ravaged vanilla equipment (sorry EO...;) VD_NoRavageVests = false; VD_NoRavageBackpacks = false; VD_NoRavageHeadgears = false; VD_NoRavageGoggles = false; VD_NoRavageUniforms = false; //LIB VD_NoLIBRifles = false; VD_NoLIBPistols = false; VD_NoLIBLaunchers = true; VD_NoLIBGoggles = false; VD_NoLIBUniforms = false; VD_NoLIBBackpacks = false; VD_NoLIBHeadgears = false; VD_NoLIBVests = false; //CUP VD_NoCUPLaunchers = false; VD_NoCUPRifles = false; VD_NoCUPPistols = false; VD_NoCUPVests = false; VD_NoCUPBackpacks = false; VD_NoCUPHeadgears = false; VD_NoCUPGoggles = false; VD_NoCUPUniforms = false; //weaponS VD_WeaponArrayRiflesBlacklist = []; VD_WeaponArrayPistolsBlacklist = []; VD_WeaponArrayLaunchersBlacklist = []; //Equipment VD_EquipmentVestsBlacklist = []; VD_EquipmentUniformsBlacklist = []; VD_EquipmentBackpacksBlacklist = ["Horse_bergen","Horse_bergenru","horse_tack"]; VD_EquipmentHeadgearsBlacklist = []; VD_EquipmentGogglesBlacklist = []; //weapon attachments VD_EquipmentMuzzlesBlacklist = []; VD_EquipmentOpticsBlacklist = []; VD_EquipmentFlashlightsBlacklist = []; VD_EquipmentBipodsBlacklist = []; /*Section 4: manually add classnames to Arrays*/ //Weapons VD_WeaponArrayRiflesAdditional = []; VD_WeaponArrayPistolsAdditional = []; VD_WeaponArrayLaunchersAdditional = []; //Equipment VD_EquipmentVestsAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentUniformsAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentBackpacksAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentHeadgearsAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentGogglesAdditional = []; //weapon attachments VD_EquipmentMuzzlesAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentOpticsAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentFlashlightsAdditional = []; VD_EquipmentBipodsAdditional = []; /*Section 5: overwrite Arrays*/ //Weapons VD_WeaponArrayRiflesReplace = []; VD_WeaponArrayPistolsReplace = []; VD_WeaponArrayLaunchersReplace = []; //Equipment VD_EquipmentVestsReplace = []; VD_EquipmentUniformsReplace = []; VD_EquipmentBackpacksReplace = []; VD_EquipmentHeadgearsReplace = []; VD_EquipmentGogglesReplace = []; //weapon attachments VD_EquipmentMuzzlesReplace = []; VD_EquipmentOpticsReplace = []; VD_EquipmentFlashlightsReplace = []; VD_EquipmentBipodsReplace = []; /*Dynamic Simulation: FPS saver, AI units will only become active if player is XYZ meters close or within view distance (scoped and non scoped)*/ enableDynamicSimulationSystem true; // dont change, FPS saver DynSimDistManual = false; // set true if you want to define the distance from AI to player for dynamic simulation enabling yourself below // set false if you want AI to become active in view distance, considers if you are looking through a scope and if there is fog) DynSimDistManualRange = 2000; // if DynSimDistManual = true, this number is the distance to the player where the AI becomes active (in meters) /*dont change*/ if (DynSimDistManual) then {"Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance DynSimDistManualRange;}; if (!DynSimDistManual) then {while {true} do { if (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { "Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance (viewDistance - (viewDistance * fog)); // Scoped } else { "Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance ((viewDistance * 0.8) - (viewDistance * fog)); // Not scoped }; uiSleep 0.25; };}; if (DynSimDistManual) then {"Prop" setDynamicSimulationDistance DynSimDistManualRange;}; if (!DynSimDistManual) then {while {true} do { if (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { "Prop" setDynamicSimulationDistance (viewDistance - (viewDistance * fog)); // Scoped } else { "Prop" setDynamicSimulationDistance ((viewDistance * 0.8) - (viewDistance * fog)); // Not scoped }; uiSleep 0.25; };}; /*dont change*/ if (DynSimDistManual) then {"Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance DynSimDistManualRange;}; if (!DynSimDistManual) then {while {true} do { if (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { "Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance (viewDistance - (viewDi take this and replace VD_Settings.sqf with it - currently a lot of items are excluded by default Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted November 5, 2018 Spoiler //call VD_Player_Equipper; execVM "VD_Script_Pack\VD_LootboxSpawner.sqf"; sleep 5; player addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn MEL_FNC_WE}]; // needed for max melee weapons mod (adds melee swing animation) while {alive player} do { execVM "VD_Script_Pack\VD_NR_Spawner.sqf"; sleep 600; sleep (random 600); }; @MisterOth oh i see, you can replace the content of initplayerlocal.sqf with this - i had something wrong there=) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 116 Posted November 6, 2018 3 hours ago, lv1234 said: Pretty sure it has nothing to do with patrol distance, since this behavior doesn't occur to all bandit camps. I also forgot to add that this issue also occurred to the older implementation of bandit camps Quote VD_AI_Spawner ={ _SpawnPos = [_this select 0, _this select 1, _this select 2, 0.9, 0, 0.9, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _Group = createGroup east; _Unit1 = _Group createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _SpawnPos, [], 1, "NONE"]; {[_x] call VD_equipper} foreach units _Group; [_Group, _SpawnPos] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend; _Group enableDynamicSimulation true; }; So here is his AI spawner. Not the hunter spawn but AI at camps. As you can see they are to defend the area. I did not see any other AI spawner in his functions. Id say its probably one or more of the mods you use. Mods can break this game. he also allows you to edit some in the VD_settings. Do you use VCOMAI or any AI mods? I'd go vanilla and retest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuc 83 Posted November 6, 2018 i noticed this in the setting sqf at the bottom /*dont change*/ if (DynSimDistManual) then {"Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance DynSimDistManualRange;}; if (!DynSimDistManual) then {while {true} do { if (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { "Group" setDynamicSimulationDistance (viewDistance - (viewDi Is it suppose to just end like that or is it missing something? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterOth 76 Posted November 6, 2018 1 hour ago, Vandeanson said: Reveal hidden contents //call VD_Player_Equipper; execVM "VD_Script_Pack\VD_LootboxSpawner.sqf"; sleep 5; player addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn MEL_FNC_WE}]; // needed for max melee weapons mod (adds melee swing animation) while {alive player} do { execVM "VD_Script_Pack\VD_NR_Spawner.sqf"; sleep 600; sleep (random 600); }; @MisterOth oh i see, you can replace the content of initplayerlocal.sqf with this - i had something wrong there=) Thank you, I can see the crate But now I can drag it, but not drop it. It stick with the player, I can run with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites