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Lock mouse to window option

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Hey guys,


   I've had this issue for ever in ArmA 3. I assumed an option for "Lock mouse cursor to window" option would show up over time, but it hasn't.


   The issue I have is that the game will alt tab if you click a mouse button while the cursor is not over the game's window, which can happen very easily since you switch between the mouse controlling the player & the cursor frequently. It happens more often if the user has multiple monitors, but it is possible to happen on a system running a single display and the game on fullscreen mode.


   To make things even worse, sometimes (aprox 1/30 times) when it happens, after alt-tabbing back into the game or clicking on the window's taskbar icon the game goes into a state where the mouse cursor, when placed on the display with the game, will alt tab as soon as you click. When in this state it clearly shows the windows mouse cursor the system is using, and not the ArmA 3 mouse icon (the "star trek" shape with no bar to make it an arrow) which is why it minimizes the window when the mouse is clicked again. It also seems to stay in this state until voodoo magic is performed, in the sense of... Sometimes alt tabbing back in fixes it, some times clicking the task bar icon fixes it, and sometimes trying both options 15 times each will eventually fix it... always unpredictable.


   A lot of games used to give the option to lock your mouse cursor to the game's window. I'm not very knowledgeable on coding, if this isn't an easy option, if new bloatware I mean operating systems (w10) caused issues with it etc.. I would seriously appreciate not being thrown out of the game in the heat of the moment then being stuck immobile for an unknown duration while the game continues, and I can't imagine I'm the only person who's seen this issue.


   I would suggest putting the option in either; Settings-Video-Display, or Settings-Controls-Mouse if you consider it worth the time. Thanks!

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