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How to replace player in multiplayer.

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Following is in the activation part of the Radio Juliet Trigger named Code 99

driver vehicle player sideChat "Code 99";

which in turn shows 

GroupCallsign (PlayerName): Code 99

In the chat.

In addition is an audio file being played which is unrelated to the problem.

So what is supposed to happen is a player presses 0>0>0 and it says in the chat Code 99 and all other players will go to that units location.

But as you can guess it displays in everyones' chat their own callsign. Which causes mass confusion. 


How do you replace Player in multiplayer so it returns the activating players name to all other machines.

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27 minutes ago, Spaxxow said:

Following is in the activation part of the Radio Juliet Trigger named Code 99

driver vehicle player sideChat "Code 99";

which in turn shows 

GroupCallsign (PlayerName): Code 99

In the chat.

In addition is an audio file being played which is unrelated to the problem.

So what is supposed to happen is a player presses 0>0>0 and it says in the chat Code 99 and all other players will go to that units location.

But as you can guess it displays in everyones' chat their own callsign. Which causes mass confusion. 


How do you replace Player in multiplayer so it returns the activating players name to all other machines.


You can't replace "player", since it's local to everyones machine and therefor different on every client.

What you can do is to broadcast a command from one client to anyone else, something like this will work:


[player,"Code 99"] remoteExec ["sideChat",0];



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Thank you for the hasty reply. I tested this alone and it appears to do the same thing so that means it is most likely to be working properly. I will test it later with some more people but other than that I believe this is resolved. Thank you for your help.

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No, radio trigger are specific. if edited, you can't grab the player who activated it (thislist isn't working, local neither);

The only solution is to script it and make it local, on each PC (like in initPlayerLocal.sqf):


_localTrigger = createTrigger ["emptyDetector", position player, false]; // false means local, position player or anywhere else for the trigger

_localTrigger setTriggerActivation ["JULIET", "PRESENT", true]; // true means repeatable, present is useless

_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "'respawn_west' setMarkerPos (getpos player)", ""];  // example to move an existing marker named "respawn_west" to the actual caller's position.

then you can remoteExec your code as GOM wrote.


Note: for "Effect local" trigger see syntax.



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Thank you so much for these. I intend to use them but how do you apply the chat part too it


21 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

No, radio trigger are specific. if edited, you can't grab the player who activated it (thislist isn't working);

The only solution is to script it and make it local, on each PC (like in initPlayerLocal.sqf):


_localTrigger = createTrigger ["emptyDetector", position player, false]; // false means local, position player or anywhere else for the trigger

_localTrigger setTriggerActivation ["JULIET", "PRESENT", true]; // true means repeatable, present is useless

_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "'respawn_west' setMarkerPos (getpos player)", ""];  // example to move an existing marker named "respawn_west" to the actual caller's position.



And how is a create task module connected to the marker?

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see setTriggerStatements where on act / deact codes are. Here deactivation doesn't have sense, so " " .

Theses codes are inside quotes " ", so you need to pay attention for the embedded strings like this: " code with 'string' " :

for example:

_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "

  [player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ["sideChat",0];

  < create your task here with bis_fnc_setTask >

 ", ""];



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_localTrigger = createTrigger ["emptyDetector", position player, false];
_localTrigger setTriggerActivation ["JULIET", "PRESENT", true];
_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "'respawn_west' setMarkerPos (getpos player)", ""];

_localTrigger = createTrigger ["emptyDetector", position player, false];
_localTrigger setTriggerActivation ["INDIA", "PRESENT", true];
_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", " [player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ["sideChat",0]; 

I tried multiple variations of this and i cannot manage to get it to work. I put it in the initplayer.sqf 

The respawn marker mover works but i cannot get the Code 99 to work. What am I doing wrong?

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just a quick glance but this line is missing a closing bracket and you only have one " before  [player, 'code 99']


_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", " [player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ["sideChat",0]; 

not sure but maybe try


_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", " [player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ["sideChat",0]" , "" ];


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_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "[player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ['sideChat',0]", "" ];


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13 minutes ago, nomadd said:



just a quick glance but this line is missing a closing bracket and you only have one " before  [player, 'code 99']


_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", " [player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ["sideChat",0]; 

not sure but maybe try


Thanks for your help but i still got nothing

6 minutes ago, Larrow said:

_localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "[player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ['sideChat',0]", "" ];


Thank you this actually made it work.

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Thanks Larrow

I completely missed the "sidechat"  quotes

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