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Phantom Hawk

How to remove missiles form a static turret when fired

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Im working on a custom static missile launcher and im wondering how to make the missiles disappear once they are fired anyone know how?

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Use a hide animation, defined in model.cfg. Here some sample for the mk29 sea sparrow launcher:

class CfgSkeletons {
        class mk29 {
                skeletonInherit = "";
                skeletonBones[]= {
                        "cap1", "MainGun",
                        "cap2", "MainGun",
                        "cap3", "MainGun",
                        "cap4", "MainGun",
                        "cap5", "MainGun",
                        "cap6", "MainGun",
                        "cap7", "MainGun",
                        "cap8", "MainGun"
class CfgModels {
        class mk29 {
                SectionsInherit = "";
                Sections[] = {"mainTurret", "mainGun"};
                SkeletonName = "mk29";
                class Animations {
						class cap1 {
                                type = "hide";
                                source = "cap1_source";
                                selection = "cap1";
                                minValue = 0;
                                maxValue = 1;
                                hideValue = 0.5;

Code for the fired eventhandler that hides the capX_source and spawns the missile at the right place:


// Written by TeTeT for Nimtech
// move missile spawn point and cap hiding around

//      fired = "(_this select 0) animateSource ['cap1_source', 1]; [_this select 0,_this select 6,'rim7_spawn1','MissileBase'] call BIS_fnc_missileLaunchPositionFix;";

// params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_mag", "_projectile"];
params ["_unit", "_projectile"];

// systemChat str (vehicle _unit);
// systemChat str _projectile;

private _missileSpawns = [
        ['cap1_source', 'rim7_spawn1'],
        ['cap2_source', 'rim7_spawn2'],
        ['cap3_source', 'rim7_spawn3'],
        ['cap4_source', 'rim7_spawn4'],
        ['cap5_source', 'rim7_spawn5'],
        ['cap6_source', 'rim7_spawn6'],
        ['cap7_source', 'rim7_spawn7'],
        ['cap8_source', 'rim7_spawn8']

// implicitly initializing currentMissile to 0
private _currentMissile = _unit getVariable ["currentMissile", 0];
private _missileSpawn = _missileSpawns select _currentMissile;

// systemChat str _missileSpawn;
_unit animateSource [_missileSpawn select 0, 1, true];
[_unit, _projectile, _missileSpawn select 1, 'MissileBase'] call BIS_fnc_missileLaunchPositionFix;

private _nextMissile = (_currentMissile + 1) % (count _missileSpawns);
_unit setVariable ["currentMissile", _nextMissile, true];

// systemChat str _nextMissile;

// place caps on, probably better in a reloaded event handler?
if (_nextMissile isEqualTo 0) then {
        [_unit, _missileSpawns] spawn {
                params ["_unit", "_missileSpawns"];
                sleep 1;
                        _unit animateSource [_x select 0, 0];
                        sleep 0.1;
                } forEach _missileSpawns;


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19 hours ago, Phantom Hawk said:

Do you have a model set up for this I could use for reference?


Nope, sorry, the sea sparrow launcher and RAM that uses this is not even released yet.

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I am wondering if you mean stationary, instead of static? I ask because I will be creating some stationary defense systems myself (eventually), but I want them to have soldier interaction. In my mind I thought they would be done as if a vehicle, but give them zero power to move - effectively making them stationary. "Static" sounds like not even turret animations, but maybe that's just me.

Try making it an unpowered vehicle if you want animation and interactive use.

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