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Flashing Vegetation and Black Squares on Terrain with Nighttime Light source ie Flares.

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We ran into a massive bug with Arma 2 regarding flashing vegetation and large black flashing squares on the terrain when either a player or enemy fires a flare at nighttime.


Players have NVidia and AMD GPU's and its all the same result, old drivers and new drivers it doesn't make a difference. 


Its completely unplayable I'm surprised no one has had a bloody seizure yet its that bad. The vegetation turns into black flashing squares also? This bug killed us all, you cannot see anything.


I've tried to fix this bug for weeks following the only thread available here is the link.


Apparently this bug happens in Arma3 with some users also so I really don't know where to turn too right now regarding this? Are there any mods/scripts that fix this issue?


Requesting assistance please.


Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon.

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Any response from a BIS Dev here? This gamebreaking bug is awful, the flickering vegetation and huge black flashing squares on the terrain when a flare is lit.


This happens on every single patch version of Arma2 OA. We have literally gone through every one, even the 1.64 beta, makes no difference if the GPU is NVidia or AMD with old and new drivers so its 100% confirmed that the game is at fault here.

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