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Mister GTX

Dynamic Universal War System Save erased :(

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Hello again dear Community,


Some of you may have heard of the glorious DUWS (Dynamic Universal War System) which basically creates a small Campaign where the player is the commander of blufor forces. Those missions can be accessed in the "Scenario" Section (at least I did it that way). 


Since the last 2 days I have a big problem called "Arma 3 crashed". Yesterday I had to reboot my pc (alt + f4, task manager and cmd killing didn't work) and all of my save files of DUWS were gone, completely erased! Normally in the Scenario Tab there is a button called "resume" where you can load the last save but there is just the button "start" so I have to start again :(


Maybe somebody can tell me a bit more where DUWS stores the saves / files or how I can prevent my saves from being erased.


*Extra Note*

I subscribed to the mod in the steam workshop as I was unable to download it from the armaholic site (If I want to download it I just download the Page called "page.php")

- Armaholic Link:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21816

- Steam Workshop Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=167274881&searchtext=


 Thx for any kind of help!

Warm regards,

Mister GTX aka. Lt. Halliwell

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