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New player help -Mods in Showcases? (Looking for Freestyle play with weapon mods)

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Probably a simple question - Arma 3 is very in depth and I am really just wanting to mess around for a while before I hold people up in Multiplayer.  I am primarily wanting to play on the NATO map with the NIArsenal weapons as I get bored with the fake guns.

I have the mods loaded and can access them in the virtual Arsenal but can not figure out how to simply access them in a open map, I try going to NATO showcase but the weapons are not available?    


I realize this is probably a silly question, but I get about 2-4 hours a week (not a day) where I can unplug and play and I have spent too much time in an options menu.  At current pace it will take 2 months before I find what I am looking for.


Thanks for your help and understand!

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Hi Tenhunter.... your question bugs out any new player to the ArmA series (OFP on my case back to 2004) and except for Virtual Arsenal (all games in the series had sort of arsenal, but ArmA3 has the most comprehensive now, but it leads you to boring VR - the other games you could choose some straightforward scenarios just to fire the modded guns a little), you have 3 options:


a-) subscribe to an SP mission on steam that uses said mod and play it on Scenarios tab (aka SP missions) (the problem is that those missions come along with other mods and you´d lose precious playing time looking for them etc);


b-) dl and install "replacement mods" with trade the "vanilla toy guns" for mod guns, and them you can play the campaign or showcase missions with them (nato replacement - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29299&highlight=REPLACEMENT  aaf replacement - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30011&highlight=REPLACEMENT fia replacement - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29963&highlight=REPLACEMENT and last but not least CSAT replacement - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29267&highlight=REPLACEMENT%2BCSAT ) all those links replace the vanilla guns for HLC superb models and some acessories =)


c-) install MCC -  https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrd9xhjhfzmmc2/%40mcc_sandbox_a3.rar?dl=0 and during any SP mission, log in through action menu and use the internal ARSENAL so you can customize your character with any gear during any SP mission (I use this since arma2)   


Hope I´ve helped you out =)



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If you just wanna change gun in open map then just right click on unit and select Edit Loadout

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Thanks for the advice.  A few of the replacements did not work properly, but NATO and FIA did.  Everything else is golden..  NIA Arenal is a must, also very happy with the DEU bundeswehr mod pack.  (If you are into that sort of thing)
One thing I would suggest for new players coming from Rainbow Six 3 is the Terrorist Hunt Scenarios, great way to get used to controls and just a lot of fun.





If anyone has recommendations that are similar let me know!  



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Ohhh Eduardocommando is still updating them so the CSAT and AFF aren´t updated... keep an eye on that thread for the coming updates


GOTOPOST (his avatar is on caps, so don´t complain on me lol) has a lot of remake of old tatical games, like IGI, R6 and Ghost Recon and even old ArmA missions.... shuffle his missions and have fun =)


here his workshop missions, subscribe and fire them up http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993469321/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410



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