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multiple trigger script

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Hi all!

I'm trying to create a dynamic multiple trigger script for automate the creation and delete of triggers around some specific areas.
The part of creation almost working nice using the below code, but if I try to delete the trigger by deleteVehicle command the trigger aren't deleted, so I think the problem is the name I give to the trigger is not really used during the triggers creation, I'm for sure missing something but I really have no idea what.

_Triggers = [
	_trigger = _x select 0;
	_pos = _x select 1;
	_size = _x select 2;
	_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
	_trigger setTriggerArea _size;
	_trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST","PRESENT",true];
	_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","{deletevehicle _x} forEach thislist;",""];
} forEach _Triggers;


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4 minutes ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

Where exactly are you deleting the trigger?




In another trigger, when the area become captured by players, the trigger activation have in the setTriggerStatements the deleteVehicle

_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",(getMarkerPos _marker)];
_trigger setTriggerArea [500,500,0,false,100];
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false];
_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","hint 'Area Clear';
deleteVehicle trigger0;
deleteVehicle trigger1;
deleteVehicle trigger2;
deleteVehicle trigger3;
deleteVehicle thisTrigger;",""];


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I see, here goes:

_Triggers = [
	_trigger = _x select 0;//this will declare _trigger as "trigger0", next iteration "trigger1"
	_pos = _x select 1;
	_size = _x select 2;

	//but here is the culprit, this will make the above _trigger invalid and replace it with an object instead of a string
	_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];

	_trigger setTriggerArea _size;
	_trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST","PRESENT",true];
	_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","{deletevehicle _x} forEach thislist;",""];
} forEach _Triggers;

To clear it up, _trigger is first defined as a string but will be overridden since the createTrigger command returns the trigger object.

You can work around this if you push all created triggers in a global array and delete all triggers in the array from any other captured trigger, like this:

TAG_list_myTriggers = [];

_Triggers = [
	_trigger = _x select 0;//this line is no longer needed
	_pos = _x select 1;
	_size = _x select 2;
	_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];

	TAG_list_myTriggers pushBack _trigger;//this stores the trigger object inside the global array

	_trigger setTriggerArea _size;
	_trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST","PRESENT",true];
	_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","{deletevehicle _x} forEach thislist;",""];

} forEach _Triggers;

//now inside your other trigger snippet:
_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",(getMarkerPos _marker)];
_trigger setTriggerArea [500,500,0,false,100];
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false];
_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","hint 'Area Clear';

//this will delete every trigger in the global array
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach TAG_list_myTriggers;


Unless I misunderstood.



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@Fr3eMan, you incorrectly assign value of variable. You need to use call or setVariable to do this:

_triggerVarName = "trigger0";

call (compile (format ["%1 = createTrigger ['EmptyDetector', _position];", _triggerVarName]));


_triggerVarName = "trigger0";

_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _position];

missionNamespace setVariable [_triggerVarName, _trigger];

Now you can use deleteVehicle to delete trigger.

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here is how i would do this:


triggers = [];
_positions = [[_posX,_posY,_posZ],[_posX,_posY,_posZ],[_posX,_posY,_posZ],[_posX,_posY,_posZ]];
_size = [_sizeA,_sizeB,_dir,true,_sizeH];

	triggers pushBack createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_x];
} forEach _positions;

	_x setTriggerArea _size;
	_x setTriggerActivation ["EAST","PRESENT",true];
	_x setTriggerStatements ["this","{deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;",""];
} forEach triggers;

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach triggers;


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Looks like the pushBack command doesn't work, I did already some test with it before write here, I try also to use the both code by Grumpy and Davidoss but nothing the trigger remain present, I try also Schatten suggestion but nothing, test done in editor, all codes was executed by remoteExec command line and in both condition 0 (globally) and 2 (only server side).

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5 minutes ago, Fr3eMan said:

Looks like the pushBack command doesn't work



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24 minutes ago, davidoss said:




You right, it work with only one trigger size, I try to adapt with different size and doesn't work, I to do more test.

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I didn't knew your need different sizes because your variables are the same.

Here are the same code for different sizes ,keep in mind _sizes array need to have the same index count as _positions array and correlated each other

triggers = [];
_positions = [[_posX,_posY,_posZ],[_posX,_posY,_posZ],[_posX,_posY,_posZ],[_posX,_posY,_posZ]];
_sizes = [[_sizeA,_sizeB,_dir,true,_sizeH],[_sizeA,_sizeB,_dir,true,_sizeH],[_sizeA,_sizeB,_dir,true,_sizeH],[_sizeA,_sizeB,_dir,true,_sizeH]];

	triggers pushBack createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_x];
} forEach _positions;

	_x setTriggerArea (_sizes select _forEachIndex);
	_x setTriggerActivation ["EAST","PRESENT",true];
	_x setTriggerStatements ["this","{deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;",""];
} forEach triggers;

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach triggers;


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34 minutes ago, davidoss said:

Here are the same code for different sizes ,keep in mind _sizes array need to have the same index count as _positions array


That's working nice, thanks all for assistance!

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