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[SOLVED] Return group from lbData

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Hi all,

I am in the process of making my own group management but have come across an issue. I can't seem to get the group from lbData command. When I hint the data type it comes back as STRING instead of GROUP but when I do it with getVariable it shows fine. Here's a quick vidoe that I hope shows my problem:

// Create test (DUMMY) group
testGroup = createGroup blufor;
testGroup setGroupIdGlobal ["Test Group"];
// Add the heroic and awesome "Bov" to the group
Bov = testGroup createUnit ["B_RangeMaster_F", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "FORM"];

// Add the above group data to the groups array
groups = [["Test Group", testGroup]];

// Not full code, just a snippet...
	_groupName = _x select 0;
	_group = _x select 1;
	_index = _groupList lbAdd format ["%1", _groupName];
	_groupList lbSetData [_index, (format ["%1", _group])];
} forEach groups;

// Another file, snippet code...
private _groupSelected = _groupList lbData 0;

// hintSilent format ["Group Selected > %1 || %2", _groupSelected, typeName (call compile _groupSelected)];
// The above is wrong, had that in the video example, my bad
hintSilent format ["Group Selected > %1 || %2", _groupSelected, typeName _groupSelected];
[player] joinSilent (call compile _groupSelected);

When I do this:

((player getVariable "groupData") select 1)

Works, joins me to the group.

typeName ((player getVariable "groupData") select 1)

Data type returns GROUP as well.

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Solved! Not possible to do what I actually wanted: Convert STRING to GROUP

I didn't actually need to use lbSetData or lbSetValue in the end in this case because I populate the listbox in order from added to array. I used lbCurSel:

private _groupSelected = groups select (lbCurSel _groupList) select 1;


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