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Command for detect switching to muzzle grenades

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how do I find if I have a gun switched to muzzle grenade?
Is there any command?

currentWeaponMode Player is not working (show only "Single").
I use

((WeaponState Player) select 1 isEqualTo ((getarray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryWeapon Player) >> "muzzles")) select 1))

but this is no perfect. If I switch to other gun, which does not have a grenade launcher, then I get error from this.


And second, is there any way to calculate how much a grenade muzzle has player in inventory?


Thank you. :satisfied::help:

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Maybe you can pull from this what you need, as a quick example to cover your two questions..

_fnc_isUsingGL = {
	params[ "_unit" ];
	//Get units current weapon and muzzle
	weaponState _unit params[ "_weapon", "_muzzle" ];
	//Default config path to weapon
	private _cfgPath = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon;
	//If the muzzle name is not the weapon name
	if !( _muzzle == _weapon ) then {
		//append muzzle name to weapons config path
		_cfgPath = _cfgPath >> _muzzle;
	//Return compare of muzzles cursor type to gl ( grenade launcher ) 
	getText( _cfgPath >> "cursorAim" ) == "gl"

_fnc_getNumberOfMuzzleMags = {
	params[ "_unit", [ "_includeLoaded", false ], "_magName", "_storedIn", "_muzzle", "_weapon" ];
	//If we have not specified a specific weapon to check
	if ( isNil "_weapon" ) then {
		//Get units current weapon
		_weapon = currentWeapon _unit;
	//If we have a weapon
	if ( _weapon != "" ) exitWith {
		//Get weapons config path
		private _cfgPath = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon;
		//Get weapons available muzzles ( sorted ) 
		private _muzzles = getArray( _cfgPath >> "muzzles" ) apply {
			//If muzzle is called 'this'
			_muzzleName = if ( _x == "this" ) then {
				//Then the muzle name is the weapon name
				//Else its the name stored in config
			//If have not specified a specific muzzle OR its is the muzzle specified
			if ( isNil "_muzzle" || { _muzzle == _muzzleName } ) then {
				//If the name is the weapon name then return default path
				if ( _muzzleName == _weapon ) then {
					//Else return muzzle path
					_cfgPath >> _muzzleName
				//Else return null
		//Remove an null entries
		_muzzles = _muzzles - [ objNull ];
		//Private some variables defaulted to []
		[] params[ [ "_mags", [] ], [ "_counts", [] ] ];
		//Get a full list of magazines the unit has
		private _magazines = magazinesAmmoFull _unit;
		//For each of our sorted muzzle paths
			_muzzlePath = _x;
			//Get the muzzles name
			private _muzzleName = configName _muzzlePath;
			//Store an array of compatible magazines for this muzzle
			private _nul = _mags pushBack getArray( _muzzlePath >> "magazines" );
			//Push a empty array ready to hold magazines counts
			private _index = _counts pushBack [];
			//For each compatible magazine
				_x params[ "_magazine" ];
				//If we have not specified a magazine type OR it is the specified magazine
				private _numSortedMags = if ( isNil "_magName" || { _magName == _magazine } ) then {
					//Count the number of magazines that...
					count ( _magazines select {
						_x params[ "_name", "", "_loaded", "", "_location" ];
						//Matches.. the current compatible muzzle magazine AND specified Loaded AND specified Stored In
						_name == _magazine && ( !_loaded || { _loaded && _includeLoaded } ) && ( isNil "_storedIn" || { _storedIn == _location } ) 
					} )
					//Otherwise just return none
				//Store the count
				private _nul = ( _counts select _index ) pushBack _numSortedMags;
			}forEach ( _mags select _forEachIndex );
		}forEach _muzzles;
		//Return array of..
		[ _muzzles, _mags, _counts ]
	//Otherwise there was none, return empty arrays
	[ [], [], [] ]

private _isUsingGL = player call _fnc_isUsingGL;

private _text = format[ "Current Weapon = %1\nCurrent Muzzle = %2\nUsing GL = %3\n\n", currentWeapon player, currentMuzzle player, _isUsingGL ];
	_x params[ "_loaded", "_storedIn" ];
	//Get current magazines as specified
	//[ unit, ( optional )include loaded, ( optional )magazine name, ( optional )stored in, ( optional )muzzle, ( optional )weapon ]
	[ player, _loaded, nil, _storedIn, currentMuzzle player, currentWeapon player ] call _fnc_getNumberOfMuzzleMags params[ "_muzzles", "_mags", "_counts" ];
	//Format data into hint
	_text = format[ "%1\n%2:\n", _text, [ _storedIn, "Total - including weapon loaded" ] select isNil "_storedIn" ];
		private _muzzlePath = _x;
		private _muzzleIndex = _forEachIndex;
			private _magCount = _counts select _muzzleIndex select _forEachIndex;
			if ( _magCount > 0 ) then {
				//_text = format[ "%1%2:\n", _text, configName _muzzlePath ];
				_text = format[ "%1  %2 - %3\n", _text, getText( configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "displayName" ) , _counts select _muzzleIndex select _forEachIndex ];
		}forEach ( _mags select _muzzleIndex );
	}forEach _muzzles;
}forEach [ [ false, "uniform" ], [ false, "vest" ], [ false, "backpack" ], [ true, nil ] ];

hint _text;

Place in the debug console and run, change weapon mode(muzzle) and loadout configuration to see results

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You are a magician. :rthumb:

It works perfectly.

Thank you very much.  :icon_biggrin:

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On 1/20/2018 at 7:14 PM, Larrow said:

as a quick example

Awesome post Mr. Larrow.  The comments are much appreciated.  This is perfect for anyone who want to learn how to navigate configs, search text, parse text, etc.

  • Thanks 1

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Yes, he is professional. Added comments is very great. We can learn a lot from it. Thank's Larrow. :satisfied:

  • Thanks 1

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