As exemple for this topic: I create a bot discord:   I create BaseFnc class, which have 2 antiflood system, one per user, one per call by everyone. i add a function named "sendGlobal" which send a text main channel on my discord: const globalMessage = new BaseFnc("sendGlobal", 10) // name of my function, time for antiflood globalMessage.setFloodProtection("perUser") // antiflood system perUser/perCall globalMessage.setCallback((params, steamID) => { // My callback chanGeneral.send(params.text) }); Then i import to my mission oo_Webservice and i create a class oo_Discord which use Webservice. You could check my mission:   oo_Discord have 1 function "sendGlobal" which send httpRequest with those args:     action => name of function to exec     steamID => Who execute this call     text => message to display on discord Now i make call  private _discord = ["new", "http://localhost:8080/"] call oo_Discord; ["sendGlobal","Hello world!"] call _discord; I get this on my discord:   Make your own function function and imagine may be some new game/ interaction with people.