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Randomly Spawn Item Groups (Fortifications)

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Is there a way to randomly spawn the premade item groups in Eden? Example: I would like to be able to define a radius in which object groups will be randomly pulled from the list and randomly placed.


ALIVE does some of this already, but with only a few items.


If this is not possible, my follow up question would be: is it possible to set a spawn radius for a premade object group as if the group were a single object? Normally, Eden will set a spawn radius for each object in the group while not maintaining the objects relative position to each other.

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Maybe my move collection of objects script will help you, or be a starting point that you could tweak to your needs.


This script allows you to use the Eden editor to pre-define a collection of objects (a fortification), and then at mission run-time, move that collection to a "random" location (a list of pre-defined locations in an array).  The objects will maintain their relative position when moved, so the fortification looks perfect wherever it is placed.  Pre-defining a list of potential locations guarantees the fortification is created in a spot that makes sense (as opposed to a truly random location which would be much harder to code so it comes out making sense).

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3 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Maybe my move collection of objects script will help you

Yap... I was just going to suggest you this script when I was reading the OP...and scrolling down here it is... @johnnyboy ... you little damn ninja:don14:


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