@SnowmanDK Well it's been awhile since I worked on this... Time sure flies.   I've update the script to support parameters for number of targets per pop up and I've added a more free form exercise mode as well (right now not very configurable). See the new version at the bottom of this post.
  Before we jump into the issues you're having a quick disclaimer. I strongly recommend using the execution method in the parameters. Only edit the script code if you know what you're doing. Any changes to the script is on you. If you do not know what you're doing stick to using and editing the execution example(s). No hard feelings just a good thumb rule for working with other people's work.   Now with that out of the way let's get down to business. The third parameter is only used to define the different target groups (or lines). You have modified it appropriately for your range but this parameter has nothing to do with the configuration of the rounds. The fourth parameter is what defines the rules for each round. The fourth parameter is an array of arrays that looks like this:   So to achieve 3 rounds with all targets on a range with 12 lines at 100 m intervals with only 1 target being used at once the whole execution would look something like this:   ========================================================================== NEW VERSION BELOW ========================================================================== Updated version: *Insert arbitrary version number here*   What's new: Added "Free exercise" mode Added ability to configure number of targets to pop up each time Added ability to review the results of the 10 last trials (during the given session). (Useful for Rangemasters and competition organisers.) Known Issues: When targets are hit by a client in multiplayer they will after a short while pop back up slightly before going back down. If anyone find a workaround for this please let me know. Example mission:  Dropbox link   Full script:  
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