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car not driveable *sometimes* using BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited

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I'm spawning in a vehicle that will appear as an airdrop using BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited.

It seems to work without any issues, vehicle spawn, chute is deployed and it lands on the ground unharmed.

However, sometimes - seems random - the vehicle is not drivable, i.e. fuel + health are at maximum, the vehicle can be entered, mounted gun works, wheels move left/right, but the engine won't start. if started manually through menu it is turned off right away.

I had a more basic initial _spawnPos, and thought maybe that was causing the issue. After finding the below, it wasn't fixed...

Hope you can give me a pointer what else to look for.


_spawnPos = ([0,0,0] getPos [300,random 360]) vectorAdd [0,0,900 + (random 200)];

_veh = _vehType createVehicle _spawnPos;

_veh setPosASL _posNew;
 [objnull, _veh] call BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited;



the old, shoot the car or bump it with another one didn't work, it takes damage but no change in behavior

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