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Deploy a Bike when a player has a Tool-Kit

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I am looking to see if there is a way using a script that allows a player that has a Tool-Kit in their inventory to deploy a bike. I'm not very experienced with scripting or anything so i don't know if this is even possible. 

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To check for Toolkit see here:

I'd start with the basic:

1. start your person off with toolkit

2. check if the condition from thread above returns true

3. create a quad at cursortarget if condition is true


then you could add an action to players that has the toolkit check as a condition... add an animation, maybe a broken down bike and that turns into a working bike after a certain time...

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Simple script for ya:


Players init:

player addAction ["Make Quad", {[] execVM "makeQuad.sqf"}];


Make a .sqf file named: makeQuad.sqf      <---- place that in your missions folder

_items = items player;

if ("ToolKit" in _items) then {

	_veh = "B_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle getPos player;
	player removeItem "ToolKit";


	hint "Sorry mate, no Quad for you..."


You could add more code to take away the action, add an animation,  etc. but here's a basic script for it.


If you want a bike replace "B_Quadbike_01_F" with the bike's class name.

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