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I found this script for parajump: 

openMap true;

onMapSingleClick {
onMapSingleClick {};
player setpos _pos;
_height = 1000;
[player,_height] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;
hint '';
openMap false;

This lets Player to Jump anywhere on the map, but:

1. Doesnt add Parachute

2.Doesnt alow to carry parachute and backack


I changed it to this:

openMap true;

onMapSingleClick {
onMapSingleClick {};
player setpos _pos;
_height = 1000;
[player,_height] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;
player addBackpack "B_Parachute";
hint '';
openMap false;

Wich solved the first problem, but iam kinda stuck with the second. I tried attachto, but apparently thats not the correct way or iam not understanding how to use it.

ANyone tried something simmilar?

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Not my script but i use it often in my missions where i want to Halo to parachute.

All scripting and credits go to Ghost a well known mission of his that this script is in where i got it from is called "Enemy Assault"

The 2500 you see in the top line is the height you start at in the air, you can change that number to a lower number like say 500.

but put the code :

ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

on a flagpole or anything you want to use to halo.


I would use this instead it does everything your looking to do, and it attaches a parachute to your back.



V1.3.1 Script by: Ghost put this in an objects init line - ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

_host = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_params = _this select 3;
_typehalo = _params select 0;//true for all group, false for player only.
_althalo = _params select 1;//altitude of halo jump
_altchute = _params select 2;//altitude for autochute deployment

if (not alive _host) exitwith {
hint "Halo Not Available"; 
_host removeaction _id;

_caller groupchat "Left click on the map where you want to insert";

openMap true;

mapclick = false;

onMapSingleClick "clickpos = _pos; mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick """";true;";

waituntil {mapclick or !(visiblemap)};
if (!visibleMap) exitwith {
	_caller groupchat "Im too scared to jump";
_pos = clickpos;

if (_typehalo) then {
_grp1 = group _caller;

{_x setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _althalo];} foreach units _grp1;

{_x spawn bis_fnc_halo} foreach units _grp1;

} else {
_caller setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _althalo];

_caller spawn bis_fnc_halo;

sleep 1;

[_caller] spawn bis_fnc_halo;

openMap false;

_bis_fnc_halo_action = _caller addaction ["<t color='#ff0000'>Open Chute</t>","A3\functions_f\misc\fn_HALO.sqf",[],1,true,true,"Eject"];

sleep 5;

_caller groupchat "Have a nice trip";// and dont forget to open your chute!";

//auto open before impact
waituntil {(position _caller select 2) <= _altchute};

_caller removeaction _bis_fnc_halo_action;

if ((vehicle _caller) iskindof "ParachuteBase") exitwith {};

_caller groupchat "Deploying Chute";

[_caller] spawn bis_fnc_halo;



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On 24. 12. 2017 at 10:34 PM, pierremgi said:

For people interesting in backpack added as ventral , or for thus interesting on HALO for group >> have a look here.

This is buggy like hell. it does all kinds of funny stuff.

-After jump graphics goes nuts

-after jump anytime you click in map jou jump again.

-sometimes backpack goes missing

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On 24. 12. 2017 at 2:28 PM, Gunter Severloh said:

Not my script but i use it often in my missions where i want to Halo to parachute.

All scripting and credits go to Ghost a well known mission of his that this script is in where i got it from is called "Enemy Assault"

The 2500 you see in the top line is the height you start at in the air, you can change that number to a lower number like say 500.

but put the code :

ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

on a flagpole or anything you want to use to halo.


I would use this instead it does everything your looking to do, and it attaches a parachute to your back.



V1.3.2 Script by: Ghost put this in an objects init line - ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];




ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

Cannot be used it gives a sintax error.

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On 26/12/2017 at 12:42 PM, Mirek said:

This is buggy like hell. it does all kinds of funny stuff.

-After jump graphics goes nuts

-after jump anytime you click in map jou jump again.

-sometimes backpack goes missing


Corrected. Thanks.

There is a small wanted delay (1sec) for graphics .

You will not "jump again" anymore, even if you click on map while jumping.

Backpacks are not missing (to be tested deeply). Anyway, I'll look for something more reliable if needed.


EDITED: Reworked. SP/MP compatible, solo or group HALO.


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15 hours ago, Mirek said:


ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

Cannot be used it gives a sintax error.

Ok, let me check the few missions i have with the script and i'll get back to you with the correct code that works, idk why you would get errors with that,

maybe it because of the latest arma3 update, idk but I'll check.


Edit.... Back

this is the code i use and have no issues with it:

ghst_halo = this addAction ["<t color='#00ffff'>Solo Halo</t> ", "scripts\ghst_halo.sqf", [false,600,70], 5, true, true, "","alive _target"];


I updated the script with what i just tried, so try the script and the code above, you shouldn't be getting any errors or anything.

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Here's something I use. It's messy but it works:


Add this to player init or any objects init:

this addAction ["<t color='#9DFFA0'>HALO Jump", {_this execVM "HALO_Jump.sqf"}];


In the editor create a game logic and put "halo" in its Variable Name      <------ IMPORTANT


Then make a .sqf file and name it - HALO_Jump.sqf    <------ Place it in your mission folder

_mkrname = "HALO Drop";
deleteMarker _mkrname;
_haloMarker = createMarker [_mkrname, getPos player];
_haloMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_haloMarker setMarkerShape "ICON";
_haloMarker setMarkerType "mil_end";
_haloMarker setMarkerText _mkrname;
openMap true;
MapClicked = false;
onMapSingleClick "halo setPos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1, 1000]; MapClicked = true; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
waitUntil {MapClicked};
player setVariable ["HALODROP", (getPos halo), true];
_destination = player getVariable "HALODROP";
_haloMarker setMarkerPos _destination;
waitUntil {!visibleMap}; 
cutText ["3 hours later...","Black"];
sleep 3;
skipTime 3;
	_x setPos [_destination select 0, _destination select 1, 2000]; 
	removeAllWeapons _x;
	removeAllItems _x;
	removeAllAssignedItems _x;
	removeUniform _x;
	removeVest _x;
	removeBackpack _x;
	removeHeadgear _x;
	removeGoggles _x;
	_x forceAddUniform "U_O_V_Soldier_Viper_F";
	_x addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
	_x addItemToUniform "30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02";
	_x addVest "V_RebreatherB";
	_x addBackpack "B_Parachute";
	_x addHeadgear "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B";
	_x addGoggles "G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F";
	_x addWeapon "SMG_02_F";
	_x addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_L";
	_x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	_x addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn_smg";
	_x linkItem "ItemMap";
	_x linkItem "ItemCompass";
	_x linkItem "ItemWatch";
	_x linkItem "ItemRadio";
	_x linkItem "NVGogglesB_blk_F";
	_x allowDamage false;
} forEach units group player;
player action ["WeaponOnBack", player];
cutText ["","Black In"];


This skips 3 hours ahead, sets loadout and creates a marker where the jump is. It also creates a smooth transition too.



It also works with units in the player's group. You do have to find a way to allowDamage again though which I make with another action to change gear when landed. The reason I remove the damage is because the AI sometimes dies when placed next to each other. There's probably a better way to do it but I'm no expert.

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HI guys thank you, i will try the changes and suggestions. 

Iam sorry i didnt reply faster, but i spent last week in the hospital with my wife, and yesterday we brought home our beautiful new babygirl.


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28 minutes ago, Mirek said:

yesterday we brought home our beautiful new babygirl.

CONGRATULATION....NOW get ready....sleepless nights....even more sleepless days...work will seem like a vacation..aHAHAHAHAHA..."hell week" in the Navy seal's come pretty close...hahahahha..BUT..a smile or the little hand that squeezes your finger and is all worth it!!! 

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On 24.12.2017 at 1:28 PM, Gunter Severloh said:

Not my script but i use it often in my missions where i want to Halo to parachute.

All scripting and credits go to Ghost a well known mission of his that this script is in where i got it from is called "Enemy Assault"

The 2500 you see in the top line is the height you start at in the air, you can change that number to a lower number like say 500.

but put the code :

ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

on a flagpole or anything you want to use to halo.


I would use this instead it does everything your looking to do, and it attaches a parachute to your back.



V1.3.1 Script by: Ghost put this in an objects init line - ghst_halo = host1 addAction ["Halo", "ghst_halo.sqf", [(true,false),2500], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"];

_host = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_params = _this select 3;
_typehalo = _params select 0;//true for all group, false for player only.
_althalo = _params select 1;//altitude of halo jump
_altchute = _params select 2;//altitude for autochute deployment

if (not alive _host) exitwith {
hint "Halo Not Available"; 
_host removeaction _id;

_caller groupchat "Left click on the map where you want to insert";

openMap true;

mapclick = false;

onMapSingleClick "clickpos = _pos; mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick """";true;";

waituntil {mapclick or !(visiblemap)};
if (!visibleMap) exitwith {
	_caller groupchat "Im too scared to jump";
_pos = clickpos;

if (_typehalo) then {
_grp1 = group _caller;

{_x setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _althalo];} foreach units _grp1;

{_x spawn bis_fnc_halo} foreach units _grp1;

} else {
_caller setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _althalo];

_caller spawn bis_fnc_halo;

sleep 1;

[_caller] spawn bis_fnc_halo;

openMap false;

_bis_fnc_halo_action = _caller addaction ["<t color='#ff0000'>Open Chute</t>","A3\functions_f\misc\fn_HALO.sqf",[],1,true,true,"Eject"];

sleep 5;

_caller groupchat "Have a nice trip";// and dont forget to open your chute!";

//auto open before impact
waituntil {(position _caller select 2) <= _altchute};

_caller removeaction _bis_fnc_halo_action;

if ((vehicle _caller) iskindof "ParachuteBase") exitwith {};

_caller groupchat "Deploying Chute";

[_caller] spawn bis_fnc_halo;



This one works fine but guys what I need to add to this script to make soldier shoulder his weapon before jump to let him fly with free hands, not fly with shooting position with weapon in hands as currently it is. It looks so strange ??

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I did it this way, and it seems to work

(saved as tbr_halo.sqf)

_host = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_params = _this select 3;
_startHeight = _params select 0;

//in objects init-field:
//this addAction ["HALO", "tbr_halo.sqf", [200], 6, true, true, "", "true", 3, false, ""];
// the [200] parameter is the insertion height

systemChat "Left click on the map where you want to insert.";
systemChat "Or close map to abort.";

tbr_mapclick = false;
tbr_halopos = [];

openMap true;
        tbr_halopos = _pos;
        tbr_mapclick = true;
] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

waitUntil {tbr_mapclick or !visibleMap};
["tbr_haloSelect", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;

if(tbr_mapclick) then {
    _caller setPos [tbr_halopos select 0, tbr_halopos select 1, _startHeight];
    [_caller, _startHeight] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;
    systemChat "Remember to open chute :)";
} else {
    systemChat "Jump cancelled.";

openMap false;

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21 hours ago, thebarricade said:

// the [200] parameter is the insertion height

Thats a bit low dont you think?

Theres hardly anytime to pull the chute, even 500m is pushing it, ideally imo 700-1000m is a decent height, your not falling for a long time

and it gives the jumper a chance to determine roughly where they want to land, and you can use this extra height to float down and recon the area and plan your approach once on the ground.

Just a thought.

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HALO Attitude Parameter:

Alive  | 50/50 | Splat |


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With the Script above is there A way to have the halo jump working when there are say less than 12 players and if there are more then 12 have the halo jump disabled??



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