Hi everyone,   I have written a function that will allow people to configure an aircraft in the 3den editor and have it able to respawn with that exact loadout. I found that I was having very inconsistent results when the respawn module was set to delete or delete with explosion. It has been rock solid since setting the module to preserve. The function deletes the old vehicle once it has all the old data anyway.    Instructions   You will need two things for this function to work:   You will need to create an init.sqf file in your mission folder and paste the code below into it. You will need a respawn module in your mission with the customized vehicles synced to it. Put this code into the Expression  section::  [_this, 2] call RESPAWN_VEHICLE; Note: The number allows you to customize what happens with the cargo of the respawning vehicles (guns, medickits etc etc). It is all listed in the function below   Optional If you want to be able to edit and move the vehicles as Zeus, you will need to add an "Add Editable Objects" module to your mission and name it ZEUS_EDITABLE and put the variable name of your zeus player unit in the owner section. In the script do a search for "ZEUS_EDITABLE" and uncomment it.     Things I am trying to work out currently: - Why the sync commands don't work at all. My goal was the have it pick up all the objects the old vehicle was synced too. Alas I haven't worked that out yet.  - Work out if its possible to get all the customizations like missing doors on vehicles from the old vehicle and pass them onto the new one.   I have tested this in Multiplayer and it does work.    DEMO MISSION AVAILABLE HERE