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as expected, works! Thnx a lot, i will try to  change it for the Airdrops too!

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13 minutes ago, CptStampede said:

as expected, works!


Thank you very much !

See you  CptStampede !

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The update will be available Soon in




Code optimization,
added options to:
cut the grass around the Crashsites,
create a Marker for the Crashsites,
added some options and small additions inside the scripts ,
changed the name of all the scripts , starting now with GF .


Thanks !

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8 hours ago, foxhound said:



Thank you very much for the support Foxhound !

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11 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


Hi George,


I'm currently building a mission that is using your Crashsites script.  It works perfectly, but I'd like to have the option of Recon Teams rushing to secure the crashsite - much in the same way as you have it in your airdrop script.  


Could you implement this in the next version or teach me how to include the Recon Team code from the Airdrop script into the Crashsite script so they go for these? 


THX in advance for your help





11 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


4 hours ago, tourist said:

Could you implement this in the next version


Hello tourist !


#Just to know , when i played ravage for the first time , it was your missions !!!:f:

So i noticed that you are doing a Hero -Ravage mission !

Is that so ?

If yes i will be waiting to play this !


Nice idea for the Recon team option , you can just almost copy paste this from the Cargo Airdrop script and just change the word : _Cargo


add also above this:

_3_Recon_Teams          = true;         // Spawn a Recon Team to the Crashsites position

and below in the code:

//________________ Spawn a Recon Team to move at the Crashsite position ________________
if (_3_Recon_Teams) then {

//    systemchat "_6_Recon_Teams";

MOVE_TO_Cargo_position = _crashsite getRelPos [0, 12];
//	define your Group 
#define Recon_Group "I_Soldier_SL_F", "I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_soldier_UAV_F", "I_Soldier_M_F","I_medic_F","I_Soldier_AR_F"
Recon_Teams = createGroup independent;
//	Spawn the group 2000 meters from the drop
Recon_Teams_randomPos = [[[MOVE_TO_Cargo_position, (2000)],[]],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
Recon_Teams = [Recon_Teams_randomPos, independent,[Recon_Group]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
Recon_Teams setCombatMode "RED";    
while {true} do {
//    systemchat "Waypoint updated";
    deleteWaypoint [_x, 0];    
    _waypoint1 = _x addWaypoint [(MOVE_TO_Cargo_position),0];    
    _waypoint1 setWaypointType "SAD";//SAD MOVE
    _x setCombatMode "RED";
    _x setSpeedMode "FULL";
    _x allowFleeing 0;    
        }foreach [Recon_Teams];
     sleep 100;


This should work !


Just if it's possible please confirm.

Thank you Tourist for the idea !


I will add this in the next update as an option !

Thanks !


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Hello there Jpsredd!


The Workshop would be good but i have already my content on both armaholic and Bis .

I can't follow everything!

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1 hour ago, Jpsredd said:

Thanks for response.

No problem Jpsredd , if it's anything feel free to ask!

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I do have a question.Does everyone need to download it for multiplayer or just me running it.

I am trying this for first time. I dont know anything about this stuff.

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26 minutes ago, Jpsredd said:

Does everyone need to download it for multiplayer


No , it's a script that you need to add to your mission files.

Do you know how to use it?

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On 23/5/2018 at 9:57 AM, Donnie_Plays said:

a script that spawns a loot object like a crate with random items for the crash sites?


Yes it is possible:


Here is a Ravage - vanilla Crashite script before the update with this option .


2 Pics and the code below:



//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 25.05.18 _____________ 

________________ GF Crashsites Script ________________


Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain collours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

//	If you want the script to run only in the server use the code below
	if(!isServer) exitWith {};

diag_log "//________________ GF Crashsites Script _____________";
diag_log "//________________ GF_Crashsites_vanilla_ravage.sqf _____________";

//________________ GF Crashsites Script _____________

//________________ Settings ________________
//________________ Set true or false  ________________

_1_Create_Box_container		= true;		//	Create a Box container at the Crashsites with random loot	
_2_Create_Loot				= true;		//	Create Create Loot at the Crashsites	
_3_Grass_Cutter				= true;		//	Cut the grass around the Crashsites 
_4_Create_Markers			= true;		//	Create a Marker for the Crashsites		

systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   I n i t i a l i z i n g";

private ["_marker","_x"];
_x = 0;

//________________ Number of the crashsites to spawn (on random) ________________
for "_x" from 0 to (2 + (random 6)) do {

//________________ For spawn one crashsite ________________
//for "_x" from  1 to (1) do {

//________________ The position of the crashsites will be random ________________
	_GF_random_pos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; 	//    For random location
//	_GF_random_pos = getmarkerPos "MarkerName";    	//    Create a Marker if you want a certain location -

//	or select a random marker
_Marker_array =selectRandom[    
_GF_random_pos = getmarkerPos _Marker_array;

//	_GF_random_pos = getPos player;    //    for test purpose

//________________ Wrecks at the crashsites ________________

//Wrecks at the crashsites
_Wrecks_array = [
_Wrecks = selectRandom _Wrecks_array;

_crashsite = _Wrecks createVehicle _GF_random_pos;

//________________	Type of loot	________________
_weapons_Loot = selectRandom [

			//Apex AssaultRifles
			//AK x2

			//Apex SniperRifles
			// Launchers
			"launch_RPG7_F",	//x2

_sideweapons_loot = selectRandom [


_items_loot1 = selectRandom [
			//for RyanZombies
_items_loot2 = selectRandom [
			//Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG

_items_loot3 = selectRandom [

_Clothes_array = selectRandom [






_Vests_array = selectRandom [



_Backpacks_array = selectRandom [


_Ravage_items = selectRandom [		
			// Ravage_items
			//x2 Vital			
			//x2 Vital
			//addon Ravage

//________________	Position of the loot at the crashsite	________________			
_lootPos1  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 1];
_lootPos2  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 2];
_lootPos3  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 3];
_lootPos4  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 4];
_lootPos5  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 5];
_lootPos6  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 6];
_lootPos7  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 7];
_lootPos8  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 8];
_lootPos9  = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 9];
_lootPos10 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 10];

_Object1_Pos = _crashsite getRelPos [4, 3];
//you can spawn an item next to the wreck , like an ammobox	 _Object1_Pos

_Box_container_Item_Pos = _crashsite getRelPos [4, 9];
//you can spawn an item next to the wreck , like an ammobox	 _lootPos8

//________________	you can spawn an item next to the wreck , like an ammobox	________________
_Object_array1 = [
_Object1 = selectRandom _Object_array1;
_Create_Object1 = _Object1 createVehicle _Object1_Pos;

//________________	Create a Box container at the Crashsites with random loot	 ________________ 
if (_1_Create_Box_container) then {

//	systemchat "_1_Create_Box_container";

_Box_container_array = [
_Box = selectRandom _Box_container_array;
_Box_container_Item = _Box createVehicle _Box_container_Item_Pos;

//________________ Clear Box container's items ________________
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _Box_container_Item;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _Box_container_Item;
clearItemCargoGlobal _Box_container_Item;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _Box_container_Item;

sleep 1;

//addweaponcargo	addItemCargo	addMagazineCargo

//	spawn weapons
_Box_container_Item addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 2];	//	2 is the amount 

//	spawn sideweapons
_Box_container_Item addweaponcargo [_sideweapons_loot, 2];

//	spawn only mags
_Box_container_Item addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 0];

//	spawn items 1
_Box_container_Item addweaponcargo [_items_loot1, 5];

//	spawn items 2 Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
_Box_container_Item addItemCargo [_items_loot2, 5];

//	spawn items 3 Here ONLY :Flares , Smokes , Explosives
_Box_container_Item addMagazineCargo [_items_loot3, 5];

//	spawn Clothes
_Box_container_Item addItemCargoGlobal [_Clothes_array,1];

//	spawn Vests
_Box_container_Item addItemCargoGlobal [_Vests_array,1]; 

//	spawn Backpacks
_Box_container_Item addBackpackCargoGlobal [_Backpacks_array,1]; 

//	spawn Ravage items  
_Box_container_Item addItemCargo [_Ravage_items, 2];


// Spawn weapon's mag
_magazines_Box_container = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass_Box_container = _magazines_Box_container call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
_Box_container_Item addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass_Box_container, 2];	//2 mags

// Spawn sideweapon's mag
_magazines_Box_container = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _sideweapons_loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass_Box_container = _magazines_Box_container call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
_Box_container_Item addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass_Box_container, 2];	//2 mags
// Spawn only magazines
_magazines_Box_container = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass_Box_container = _magazines_Box_container call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
_Box_container_Item addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass_Box_container, 3];	//3 mags

sleep 1;


//________________	Create Create Loot at the Crashsites	________________ 
if (_2_Create_Loot) then {

//	systemchat "_2_Create_Loot";

sleep 1;

//addweaponcargo	addItemCargo	addMagazineCargo

//	spawn weapons
lootitems1 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos1; lootitems1 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 1];

//	spawn sideweapons
lootitems2 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos2; lootitems2 addweaponcargo [_sideweapons_loot, 2];

//	spawn only mags
lootitems3 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos3; lootitems3 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 0];

//	spawn items 1
lootitems4 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos4; lootitems4 addweaponcargo [_items_loot1, 2];

//	spawn items 2 items 2 Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
lootitems5 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos5; lootitems5 addItemCargo [_items_loot2, 2];

//	spawn items 3 items 4 Here ONLY :Flares , Smokes , Explosives
lootitems6 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos6; lootitems6 addMagazineCargo [_items_loot3, 2];

//	spawn Clothes
lootitems7 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos7; lootitems7 addItemCargoGlobal [_Clothes_array,1];

//	spawn Vests
lootitems8 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos8; lootitems8 addItemCargoGlobal [_Vests_array,1]; 

//	spawn Backpacks
lootitems9 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos9; lootitems9 addBackpackCargoGlobal [_Backpacks_array,1]; 

//	spawn Ravage items  
lootitems10 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos10; lootitems10 addItemCargo [_Ravage_items, 2];

// Spawn weapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
lootitems1 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];	//2 mags

// Spawn sideweapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _sideweapons_loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
lootitems2 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];	//2 mags
// Spawn only magazines
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
lootitems3 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 3];	//3 mags

sleep 1;

//________________ Particles - Smoke ________________
_particle1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _crashsite;
_particle1 setParticleClass "MediumSmoke";
_particle1 attachTo [_crashsite,[0,0,0]];

//source setParticleFire [coreIntensity, coreDistance, damageTime] 
_particle2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _crashsite);
_particle2 setParticleClass "BigDestructionSmoke";
_particle2 setParticleFire [0.3,1.0,0.1];

//MediumSmoke	ObjectDestructionSmoke	ObjectDestructionFire1Smallx
//SmallDestructionSmoke	SmallDestructionFire MediumDestructionFire MediumDestructionSmoke BigDestructionFire BigDestructionSmoke

sleep 1;

//________________ Create a Crater	(Crater , CraterLong , CraterLong_small) ________________
createVehicle ["CraterLong", getPos _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

//________________ Cut the grass around the Crashsites ________________ 
if (_3_Grass_Cutter) then {

//	systemchat "_3_Grass_Cutter";

_Grass_Cutter_pos = _crashsite getRelPos [12, 6];
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _Grass_Cutter_pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; 
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; 

//________________ Create a Marker for the Crashsites ________________
if (_4_Create_Markers) then {

//	systemchat "_4_Create_Markers";

//	Select your marker here:	
//	https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers
	if (typeOf _x in _Wrecks_array) then 
		_marker = createMarkerLocal ["Crashsite" + str(_forEachIndex), getPos _x];
		_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
		_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_marker";	
		_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";
		_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
		_marker setMarkerTextLocal "Crashsite"; 
forEach allMissionObjects "All";

systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   S p a w n e d";
  • Thanks 1

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@GEORGE FLOROS GR Please use a Spoiler tag when you dump such big scripts. I repeatedly see your posts filling my entire screen twice while scrolling through unread posts.

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3 hours ago, Dedmen said:

use a Spoiler tag


Ok Dedmen , sure , i will next time.

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On the next update:



    added options to:
    Create a Box container at the Crashsites with random loot,
    spawn a Recon Team to move to the Crashsite,

    added loot for clothes,vests and backpacks for,

    Vanilla , CUP and Unsung mod.




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just realized I posted my confirmation of the Recon Teams working fine from within the updated Crashsites Script only in the GF Scripts collection thread.  But while I'm at it I can use the opportunity to post the customized "WW2+RAVAGE+HEROS SURVIVE" file I use for my mission.  Might be useful for other mission makers...



//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 14.05.18 _____________

________________ GF Crashsites Script ________________


Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain collours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

//    If you want the script to run only in the server use the code below
    if(!isServer) exitWith {};

diag_log "//________________ GF Crashsites Script _____________";
diag_log "//________________ GF_Crashsites_vanilla_ravage.sqf _____________";

//________________ GF Crashsites Script _____________

//________________ Settings ________________
//________________ Set true or false  ________________

_1_Grass_Cutter            = true;        //    Cut the grass around the Crashsites
_2_Create_Markers        = true;        //    Create a Marker for the Crashsites
_3_Recon_Teams                  = true;         // Spawn a Recon Team to move to Cargo Airdrop position


systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   I n i t i a l i z i n g";

private ["_marker","_x"];
_x = 0;

//________________ Number of the crashsites to spawn (on random) ________________
for "_x" from 0 to (2 + (random 6)) do {

//________________ For spawn one crashsite ________________
//for "_x" from  1 to (1) do {

//________________ The position of the crashsites will be random ________________
    _GF_random_pos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;     //    For random location
//    _GF_random_pos = getmarkerPos "MarkerName";        //    Create a Marker if you want a certain location -

//    or select a random marker
_Marker_array =selectRandom[    
_GF_random_pos = getmarkerPos _Marker_array;

//    _GF_random_pos = getPos player;    //    for test purpose

//________________ Wrecks at the crashsites ________________

//Wrecks at the crashsites
_Wrecks_array = [
_Wrecks = selectRandom _Wrecks_array;

_crashsite = _Wrecks createVehicle _GF_random_pos;

//________________ Type of loot ________________
_weapons_Loot = selectRandom [

            //SemiautoRifles x2

            // Launchers


_sideweapons_loot = selectRandom [


_items_loot1 = selectRandom [
            //for RyanZombies
_items_loot2 = selectRandom [
            //Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG

_items_loot3 = selectRandom [        
            // Ravage_items
            //x2 Vital            
            //x2 Vital
            //addon Ravage
_items_loot4 = selectRandom [
//Position of the loot at the crashsite                
_lootPos1 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 1];
_lootPos2 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 3];
_lootPos3 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 5];
_lootPos4 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 7];
_lootPos5 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 9];
_lootPos6 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 11];
_lootPos7 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 12];

_lootPos8 = _crashsite getRelPos [4, 1];
//you can spawn an item next to the wreck , like an ammobox     _lootPos8

_array1 = [
_Wrecks1 = selectRandom _array1;
_crashsite1 = _Wrecks1 createVehicle _lootPos8;

sleep 1;

//addweaponcargo    addItemCargo    addMagazineCargo

//lootitems1 spawn weapons
lootitems1 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos1; lootitems1 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 1];

//lootitems2 spawn sideweapons
lootitems2 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos2; lootitems2 addweaponcargo [_sideweapons_loot, 2];

//lootitems3 spawn only mags
lootitems3 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos3; lootitems3 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 0];

//lootitems4 items 1
lootitems4 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos4; lootitems4 addweaponcargo [_items_loot1, 2];

//lootitems5 items 2 Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
lootitems5 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos5; lootitems5 addItemCargo [_items_loot2, 2];

//lootitems6 items 3 Ravage
lootitems6 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos6; lootitems6 addItemCargo [_items_loot3, 2];

//lootitems7 items 4 Here ONLY :Flares , Smokes , Explosives
lootitems7 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos7; lootitems7 addMagazineCargo [_items_loot4, 2];

// Spawn weapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
lootitems1 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];    //2 mags

// Spawn sideweapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _sideweapons_loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
lootitems2 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];    //2 mags
// Spawn only magazines
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
lootitems3 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 3];    //3 mags

sleep 1;

//________________ Particles - Smoke ________________
_particle1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _crashsite;
_particle1 setParticleClass "MediumSmoke";
_particle1 attachTo [_crashsite,[0,0,0]];

//source setParticleFire [coreIntensity, coreDistance, damageTime]
_particle2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _crashsite);
_particle2 setParticleClass "BigDestructionSmoke";
_particle2 setParticleFire [0.3,1.0,0.1];

//MediumSmoke    ObjectDestructionSmoke    ObjectDestructionFire1Smallx
//SmallDestructionSmoke    SmallDestructionFire MediumDestructionFire MediumDestructionSmoke BigDestructionFire BigDestructionSmoke

sleep 1;

//________________ Create a Crater    (Crater , CraterLong , CraterLong_small) ________________
createVehicle ["CraterLong", getPos _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

//________________ Cut the grass around the Crashsites ________________
if (_1_Grass_Cutter) then {

//    systemchat "_1_Grass_Cutter";

_Grass_Cutter_pos = _crashsite getRelPos [12, 6];
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _Grass_Cutter_pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

//________________ Create a Marker for the Crashsites ________________
if (_2_Create_Markers) then {

//    systemchat "_2_Create_Markers";

//    Select your marker here:    
//   https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers
    if (typeOf _x in _Wrecks_array) then
        _marker = createMarkerLocal ["Crashsite" + str(_forEachIndex), getPos _x];
        _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
        _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_marker";    
        _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";
        _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
        _marker setMarkerTextLocal "Crashsite";
forEach allMissionObjects "All";

//________________ Spawn a Recon Team to move to Cargo airdrop position ________________
if (_3_Recon_Teams) then {

//    systemchat "_3_Recon_Teams";

MOVE_TO_crashsite_position = _crashsite getRelPos [0, 12];
//    define your Group
#define Recon_Group "LIB_US_Rangers_smgunner","LIB_US_Rangers_mgunner","LIB_US_Rangers_sniper","LIB_US_Rangers_medic","LIB_US_Rangers_mgunner","LIB_US_Rangers_FC_rifleman","LIB_US_Rangers_FC_rifleman","LIB_US_Rangers_rifleman","LIB_US_Rangers_rifleman","LIB_US_Rangers_rifleman"
Recon_Teams = createGroup independent;
//    Spawn the group 2000 meters from the drop
Recon_Teams_randomPos = [[[MOVE_TO_crashsite_position, (2000)],[]],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
Recon_Teams = [Recon_Teams_randomPos, independent,[Recon_Group]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
Recon_Teams setCombatMode "RED";    
while {true} do {
//    systemchat "Waypoint updated";
    deleteWaypoint [_x, 0];    
    _waypoint1 = _x addWaypoint [(MOVE_TO_crashsite_position),0];    
    _waypoint1 setWaypointType "SAD";//SAD MOVE
    _x setCombatMode "RED";
    _x setSpeedMode "FULL";
    _x allowFleeing 0;    
        }foreach [Recon_Teams];
     sleep 100;

systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   S p a w n e d";



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18 hours ago, tourist said:

post the customized "WW2+RAVAGE+HEROS SURVIVE" file I use for my mission.  Might be useful for other mission makers...


Indeed ! that's Great Tourist ,

thank you very much !


Any news of your RAVAGE+HEROS SURVIVE mission?

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5 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

Any news of your RAVAGE+HEROS SURVIVE mission?


Actually I'm making good progress on that.  With the help of the great HEROS inventory items, I have built & successfully tested persistent tasks that use  ALiVE savegames and therefor work in SP and MP.  They come quite close to typical RPG quests - now I have to flesh out the mission area some more with notes, Briefing entries and the like, maybe even some more story NPC's.  My only problem is to decide if I really should invest the time into a conversation system.  The quests can work without that.  And so far all conversation systems I found require LOADS of time to create dialogues with.  ATM I focus on direct gameplay value; stuff like tailoring the INCOGNITO script to incorporate all of Frith's ruin clothing & vests.  Tedious copy - paste, but relevant for the specific setting of the mission. 


Have some RL tasks to do now; more info L8er!

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    A fix for the Markers option.


Soon in Armaholic !

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Hello George,

I'm having this issue with the markers in your script



This is the code it is refering to




Any Ideas what could be creating this issue?




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25 minutes ago, Griffiths_4 said:

Any Ideas


Thanks Griff , i'm going to check it now !

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