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John Tagg

player healing ?

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Why does it take so long for a player to get up after being healed and why do you all ways face the wrong way after being shot, this is so annoying by the time you turn around you are shot again ?

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It's reviving, not healing... coming back from "unconsciousness" isn't a quick process ;)

In addition, the Combat Patrol mode was already made easier in one of the latest updates.
In Argo there is no difficulty selection, so better improve your skills than making the game boring af.

Btw I played a lot, so I know that feeling when getting killed while getting up.


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Reviving/healing same crap it should be a quick process we are not dealing with real people its a game, if you force respawn  you all ways spawn with your back to the enemy so you get shot again and again, if you are a player you know it suxs it not that hard to fix and before you bag my playing skills I have over 700 hrs into this game and I am ready to max out my level, and the last update did not make it easier in combat patrol you dropped the hitting power of most of our guns and I believe you increased the body armour of the AI, and the fact the AI can walk though walls and cars and even shoot you though walls I would not call that making it easier.



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