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Achmir the great

Trying to setup Oxygen light and bulldozer

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I have  Download Operation Flashpoint gog version, august the 23 
I want to create content  for the game but don't how to go by doing it.
I see forms and links to download the resources like Oxygen light and buldozr
But don't have the Knowledge  to Install  it correctly. 
when i start up  Oxygen light  its tells me unable to open external viewer ?
I don't understand whats that is about maybe it have to do with  bulldozer 
i'm am aware  that you need to take Flashpoint CGF  form your directory and put it in your Oxygen light directory.  I'm am willing to Learn. 

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Follow the steps in this tutorial:




External viewer = Bulldozer

The external viewer will only work if you have installed Operation Flashpoint, it won't work with Cold War Assault as it searches for the OFP registry entry. BIS didn''t release an updated version of Oxygen when they released CWA so it won't detect the installation.

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Have you run the oxygen_fixer.bat file the tutorial tells you to make?


What version of the game do you have installed? 1.96 or 1.99?

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16 hours ago, JdB said:

Have you run the oxygen_fixer.bat file the tutorial tells you to make?


What version of the game do you have installed? 1.96 or 1.99?


yes i have oxygen_fixer Bat right on my desktop  my  version  is 1.96.

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And the "Z:" drive has been created after you executed the .bat file? (It shows up in "My Computer"?)

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If the subst command works for you, then don't break what doesn't need fixing.  But I never used it.

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15 hours ago, JdB said:

And the "Z:" drive has been created after you executed the .bat file? (It shows up in "My Computer"?)




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Out of curiosity, where did you download O2/buldozer from? It's been so long since I've had to install the programs my memory's a bit fuzzy. But I thought there were two versions of buldozer. The initial release and an updated one.

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2 hours ago, Macser said:

Out of curiosity, where did you download O2/buldozer from? It's been so long since I've had to install the programs my memory's a bit fuzzy. But I thought there were two versions of buldozer. The initial release and an updated one.



These programs  come form  this website called OFPEC The Editing Center?   that where i have gotten most of these installation 

It could be, but form this site i'm am on its just  version1.0.0.45  of Oxygen Viewer.


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16 hours ago, JdB said:

And the "Z:" drive has been created after you executed the .bat file? (It shows up in "My Computer"?)



Everything is in order But when i start up Objektiv2Light   and   click on the 
 file and going into option form their Config  External Viewer under Value
  i don't see  buldozer exe-dx -window !  So  i click on External Viewer
and that lets me into my Z drive directory form my External Viewer  clicking
 on buldozer in my directory  making Z:\buldozer.exe my new Value. 
But the Problem with that, is My  ExternalViewer  Screen  is huge it Supposed to be Small. 

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Open Flashpoint.cfg that is in your editing folder.


Find these two values:





Change whatever it is now to:




Or another size that you prefer.

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16 hours ago, Achmir the great said:

Everything is in order But when i start up Objektiv2Light   and   click on the 
 file and going into option form their Config  External Viewer under Value
  i don't see  buldozer exe-dx -window !

I don't understand what you mean . Are you saying that string doesn't appear in the value section of the options menu?

Like this? lLSi5er.jpg

Do you have spacing between the commands?

As in " buldozer.exe[space]-window[space]-noland[space]-dx

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Thank you sir!!!!   I just have to Paste the  \buldozer.exe -window -noland - dx    in the Value Bar .

For some reason the commands didn't pop up in the option name  External Viewer   After the Installation.

But i want to Thank You  Macser and JdB for the Help.

now i have import some mash.

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