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Initiate script on dialog exit?

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Hello good folks, I was hoping to get some guidance on a syntax issue I am having with a basic dialog project.


I have a button (in dialogs.hpp) to close the dialog (which works as intended), but I would like to also trigger a simple script as well, when the 'action' is triggered.


This is what I have in the class, which works fine as it is:


class exitButton: RscButton
            idc = 1601;
            x = 0.335 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.600 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.099 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.077 * safezoneH;
            action = "closeDialog 0";


What I would like to do, is to execVM a script as part of the action. So // closeDialog 0 + execVM "myscript.sqf"; // 


I sadly lack the basic knowledge to string these things together, and was hoping someone could advise on the syntax to do this?






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class someDialog
	idd = 12345;
	onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable [""someDialog"", (_this select 0)];";
	onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable [""someDialog"", nil];";
	class Controls

Use this one if you want to do it when you click a button:

action = ""; // on button control

If you have any further questions, just ask! (:

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action = "closeDialog 0; nul = [] execVM 'myScript.sqf'";


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