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Arma 3 has no loop detection

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Games which got released around 2005 could handle loop points.


Free software can handle loop points. 


Why Arma 3 can't handle loop points? 

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No. It means that a soundfile for a weapon has two specific inserted loop points (start and end) so the engine knows where to repeat when automatic fire is applied. Good for any automatic fire or especially gatling guns. 

Also you would get rid of overlapping sounds. It sounds so unprofessional when you shoot in full auto and hear that the tail is overlapping. With loop points you would shoot 20 shots in full auto and then you just hear one single tail, which has loop points applied. Also you could add another echo to the tail which has no loop points applied for the echo effect itself (you shoot twice, you hear a boom far away twice). It would sound clean, professional and is easy applied and inserted. Why is this -  2017 (almost 18)  - still NOT possible? Questions like this have to be asked frequently.

It would also be possible to just tell the engine the ms of start and end because then you don't need to insert loop points but what ever, both seems to be not possible which is kind of odd and realy outdated.

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