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Mods missing after mission load

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hi everyone,

i'm testing a modded version of "KP Liberation Tanoa" on my test server

everything is ok when the server start but after the first connection (so when mission is loaded) the list in launcher stop to show mods and tells "No Mods" and even the original dlc (kart, heli, marksman, etc) disappear


never see this behavior before so any idea?!? :eh:

there is something into my mission who "disables" mods? (fyi: if load manually the mods and connect everyting is good, but always not listed in launcher)

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debug the issue using the debugging tutorial stickied in this forum

If you cannot solve the issue that way, then come back to us with the required information so we can help you.

I would start by verifying you are loading the mods you think you are (On the client and on the server) by checking both the server and client rpt files

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@wyqer i use differtent nicks but i'm the same person,

howewere thank you again ;)


all the mods were succesfully loaded on server start and "lost" after role selection on this specific map (played a lot of liberation on other maps with same mods without problem), difficulty setting were resetted too

nothin suspect on rpt's


finally worked rewriting server cfg

btw still a very weird behavior :eh:

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