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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

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> smooth blend between walk/run/sprint

i think it would be useful if you could regulate the motion speed

using the mouse wheel instead of different keys for example.

> quick dodge/smooth stance change

being able to dodge instantly would be really nice and useful in an intense firefight.

>support for left handed people

yes, there are left handed poeple out there. it would be nice to be able to choose.

Edited by TheOutlawTorn

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Record own sounds in editor to integrate into missions (maybe with pitch-slider?) for easy implementation of voices into mission.

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List updated. It grows stronger every day :y:

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* Map > Ability to "Sketch" on it.

* Map > Ability to set text size.

* CTI Map > If you spot an enemy unit, your entire faction should be able to see it.

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Improved and/or randomized decal, such as numbering and symbols. Similar to what RHS uses on their addons.

That's all I'm asking for. :blush:

Edited by colossus

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1- make interactive cockpit

2- try to make more like a plane/car/tank/BMP/helicopter simulator, like in TOH, but not only the flight model, also, if someone can answer me, i dont understand the part about "the game will use TOH but not on campaign"

3- dont put every interactive buttom in the command screen, is annoying

4- fix small animations (when you go out the water, get off from the vehicle, get in, etc., you appear like from nowhere and touch the ground, i hate that)

5- make translucid sighs, but JUST when aiming at a long range distance

6- realistic sniper scope, that means, dont just use the sight and see everything from the scope view, that is wrong, the human eye must be 6-9 cm. away from the scope glass when aiming for safety, this changes when talking about another sniper

7- better walk animations, the movement animations are based on long range distance, but they lok pretty bad when we talk about a inside (house, factory, carrier, ship, etc.)

8- CQC/CQB A-I, did you ever saw "SWAT 4"? the AI knows where you clicked and they go exactly where you did, ArmA, from the starts as OFP, it was based on long distance combat, mainly, deserts or plains, if you say someone to go 50 meters from the actual position, in ArmA I or ArmA CWA/OFP CWC, he would stay right there, because for the AI, is the same position, id like to see AI in a close quarters combat and CQB fight (fight inside a building, a house, a street, even they to fight with their hands or knifes, or use a the melee from their weapons

9- "GET COVER, SOLDIER!", that is something i would want to see in ArmA 3, a game where if the AI see, in a close street, an enemy, dont juust prone and shoot, id like to see them trying to get cover first

10- caves...just....caves...underground/underwater holes...just that, for editing

11- voices that change depending on situation, example:

why a AI is yelling on the radio when "stealth" mode is on? why people keep yelling when almost dead?

12- detailed weapon-damage.....even on ArmA II, if somebody shoot at your weapon, it shoot your arm, i want to see the weapon getting hit by a bullet and get inoperable

13- CQC fight

14- trenchs (this is incluided with holes and caves)

15- shovel, in real life, small patrols team are sended to sleep in holes they make with shovels, and use them for the night

16- flash lights in the weapon or the body

17- FIX THE GODDAMMED LADDER ANIMATION, also, is normal that if you get one of those ladders, and there is nothing in your back, is usually to fall and die

18- realistic vehicle damage....i dont want to see a helicopter exploding just because it falls into water...

19- parkour urban use and real climbing physics

20- i want to see grass that get crushed when puting a feet on them

21- footsteps, on mud, sand, snow, water, beach, etc.

22- childs and pets

23- cocodriles

24- bullet in the chamber of the gun, even metal gear solid have that!


26- emergency weapon swap? i mean, i got a key binded for change weapon mode, and for weapon between handgun-maingun, however, it takes to long to change it, is like the kind of swap you do when: "damm, i got like 5 bullets and i need to clear a building, i better change to pistol", however, most of the soldiers with pistols, use them for quick swap and use them when you cant cover/reload fast

27- knifes.......well, i mean....i think something like COD MW knife attack must be added, not the part of *1 hit kill with a cut on the leg* if not, take off the knife quick and do a CQC or something...i think it would be awesome

28- terrain that affects everything on the soldier, examples:

if you are on antartica, you cant move fery fast, cant get to much accuary, etc.

if you are on a desert, you will get tired very fast, etc.

if you are on mud, you run slower than in asphalt, also, when you leave it, you leave footsteps of mud, and your boots got dirty or something like that

29- do some things from ACE is actually a good idea

30- changed depending from the weather, in ArmA, the month only changed the time it become night and day, i want to see snow if on winter, etc.

31- rain that bother you when aiming

32- realistic aids mode....you cant cure a mortal-shoot in the heart just being a medic and help him for like 14 seconds, you cant just go to the hospital to cure somebody from a fall that broked a finger-bone, you cant cure yourself if you are inside a medi-vac APC with no medics inside, I WANT THE REAL SHIT!

33- you can hold a weapon on a wall, a border, or put it on bypod mode

34- gunner hands on a helicopter are literally down meanwhile, the gun moves by itself

35- "think outside the box", for make the best animations, do the same thing as lots of TPS, they maked good animations when they where looking the outside, try to see the game mirror edge at third person and the animations are pretty like HL1

36- when you entry a vehicle, you teleport inside, NO!, just like c0c0butter, i want....like in delta force extreme 2, you are MOVING inside the vehicle, however, you may fall thanks to gravity, so, choose your seat, like in DF E2, however, in ArmA 2 this...i think everyone knows how you select being passanger on ArmA 2 is fully unrealistic compared to even DF Extreme 2

37- support personel at base (MP) you know, somebody who is a noob just need to be as a guard in the main base, or hold on the heliport, or the ATC for military planes, etc., just like in Proyect reality tugs trucks

38- best rendering speed, i want to see a game so perfect and stable that you can render a perfect scale new york with all buildings enterable on max graphics and visibility on 30 FPS min on the same computer it could run the same thing on ArmA 2

39- options to change gun up/put gun on the back at the same time

40- that swap the gun depends from the situation (only AI)

41- remember, soldiers, have extra ammo on the pockets of their armours, also, they got First Aid Kits (FAK, LOL) and things like that

42- the HUD appearing over the heli anytime you changed the direction of your view is to much unrealistic

43- take some things from IL 2 sturmovik cliffs of dover, it helps

44- air support, even on a SP mission at foot

45- realistic times operations, soldiers that sleep on the battlefield, if it starts at night or is to long, soldiers that die from poison from an animal

46- working smoke grenades for AI

47- flash bangs (optional, some people say that this will make lil COD and BF kids players and trolls spam the game with them, but is an war simulator, so is a nice idea

48- wind that affects planes, helicopters, the suit of someone when there are to much wind, that it also affects the hearing of someone (much wind = less chances of hear someone far away, more cold place = more chances of hear someone far away)

49- that can actually build/dismount your weapon

50- a safety mode for the weapon, that also, affects the model (a pistol with safe mode on, like a Desert eagle iis not the same view as a DE with unsafe mode), just like in America's army 3

51- realistic climbing, in PR for BF2, when you see a mountain of 5 degrees you fall, on ArmA, is like GTA SA, you can run upwards, also wallslide when falling....i wanted to do it on ArmA I, but there wasn't, so i am requesting it now

52- realistic watch/GPS/other things you need to orientate yourself, i dont want to see them display on screen, i want you stop firing your gun to see the time on the watch on your arm!

53- different weapon colour....mainly, officers handguns, there are just fews, but they exist, just like custom-maded handguns for officers.

Some people think this is weird, but, mainly officers handguns have custom things, custom words, colour, materials, etc.

54- when you fall with no parachute, you....watch on youtube what happen, i really hate this, i want, when you fall, just like in GTA SA, you have a falling animation.

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I'd like a subfolder option for the MPMissions where you can throw your missions and split them in subfolders for more convenient usages of selecting missions. When you download so much, it would become a hassle to find and pick the one you want to play for the moment.

For addons, I would like the ability to check and uncheck them in the game kind of like how Ghost Recon original did it.

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It wouldn't hurt if BIS looked at the best features in other games to make their own features better (animations, for example, for CQB).

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SWAT Taser! and electroshock effects (some like in Deus Ex) - its very cool stuff for stealth missions when you dont need kill anybody, just stun!!! (This been requied in more TvT's, and coop missions?) - stop kill ;) save peoples!

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Future Armies also relay on unconventional warfare, so what's better than more Spec Ops.

In OFP: Black Ops / Spetsnaz

In Arma: ... can't remember

In Arma 2: MEU / Spetsnaz/ SKSS/ KSK...

In Arma 3: ?

I would like to see some U.S. Navy Seals (submarines, underwater demolitons, zodiac boats... - reasons why I want to see them ingame) Also... S.A.S., SFOD-D e.t.c.?

Because N. Seals, SFOD-D (Seals + Delta = Tier 1) and S.A.S are one of the best Spec. Ops in the world... if you ask me it would be nice to see all 3 Tiers :D and S.A.S. ingame, but it won't be able.. that's for sure. :p

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If we get the 3d Editor, let us choose between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional triggers (no need of the height-coding).

Furthermore: drawable triggerareas (2d is enough). This way, you can exclude certain areas without having to place multiple triggers.

Edited by Egosa-U

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Game Mode Coop/east VS west:32 players or more

Large Coop Mission on dedicated server (this mission will never end and is a ongoing war gaining and losing land, cities etc.

ammunition fuel and weapons are delivered by convoys that can be intercepted so the opposing force loses ammunition weapons and fuel.

making it hard to defend or gain land.

the player chooses a specific role and needs to stick to that role like transporting or giving airsupport, sniper covering, supressing fire etc.

doing this will give the player rewards in ranking up and maybe special weapons

with each role certain tasks are to be completed like patrols or scouting along a givin path of waypoints doing this will give the player points that will lead to rewards.

this is a rough sketch of the mission it can be multiplayer east vs west or coop west against the rest.

the AMC Module should be applied when playing COOP so the missions will be replayable.

its just a idea..... love the game!! keep up the good work!

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Game Mode Coop/east VS west:32 players or more

Like the idea - 64 should be the least amount though.

Cutting down transport routes and destroying depots, airbases and docks should cause limitations to the fraction it belongs to (like missing airplanes when airport is destroyed) and create new tasks like:

  • establish outpost on wrecked xyz
  • re-secure supplyroutes to xyz
  • rebuild xyz

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List updated and slightly re-organized for your viewing pleasure :)

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Admin tools…I see nothing said about them. It would be nice to have something like BF2CC which was easy to install and easy to use although admittedly a bit temperamental.

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Weapon adjustment context menu. I figure if we'll be swapping out optics and attachments, to better avoid adding clutter to the action menu itself, is to create a separate menu for gun mounted devices, and possibly add room for new or different settings like being able to adjust the brightness on a holo sight.

Also Offset mounted red dot sights for sniper optics, or just the option to run an offset sight if the weapon has an optic or rail interface that supports it.

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Since we've moved into sights territory...

Proper red dot paralax (or whatever it's called), since it's the one advantage red dots have over iron sights.

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Since we've moved into sights territory...

Proper red dot paralax (or whatever it's called), since it's the one advantage red dots have over iron sights.

Seconded, and possibly the ability to zero said sights in manually.

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It would be nice if BIS could incorporate movement techniques into AI movement. Not sure about how other branches/nations do things, but I know in the Army there's Bounding, Bounding Overwatch, Traveling, Traveling overwatch, 3-5 sec buddy rush, and such at the squad and fireteam levels. Maybe this would be a bit to simulator for ArmA, but it'd be neat and would make firefights more interesting, imo. And not only formations like file, line, wedge, echelon, but also squad formations such as squad column, squad file, etc. And I guess this ties into my earlier suggestion (either in this thread or the old one) about squad and fireteam management (actually being able to designate roles in the editor). That'd would really add to the realism and immersion. And, I don't recall if the hud actually shows teams, but it'd be nice if there was a little space between the icons (as in a group of 4 or 6, then a space, and then the other 4 or 6, just for example).

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