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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

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The ability to crouch while using a mounted weapon, such as a machine gun on a pile of sandbags. Obviously, this would have some drawbacks, such as a longer reload time and inability to shoot. But it should be possible to crouch just because standing upright, locked to a machine gun doesn't seem like the most rational thing to do.

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Seeing as how brilliantly the steamworkshop works with Skyrim, I'd like to suggest that BI integrates it as well, since it would hugely improve the ease of use of mods and would keep them up to date automaticly.

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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, its not on the front page so the Sukhoi T-50 would be cool to fly. Don't know why the Iranians have them, maybe a deal with russia? Maybe they stole blu-prints. Who knows? Who cares, amazing looking plane, and I've read it can currently defeat the F-35. It would be a great counterpart for the F-35.

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Seasons: affecting terrain (snow, grass, velocity of vehicles / running people), plants (leafs, colors of leafs / grass), clothes of civilians, dust / mud / snow on vehicles, ice on ponds.

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A feature where AI teams are determined either in the editor, or right before a mission starts (only for single-player AI). If in the editor, this could be determined by selecting which ever unit is in charge over a group of AI. Or, maybe this could work when placing a group down. So, maybe after double clicking the group tab, the user is presented with the option of selecting either a company, platoon, squad, fireteam, etc. However far up or down the hierarchy the user wants to go. And the the user could have the option to, after choosing a faction and sub unit type, auto fill those slots or individually select units for each role (and it wouldn't be limited to units of one type or subclass).

This "squad role" menu could be integrated with the gear selection so that addon makers don't have to designate types of units in config files. All addon makers would have to do is to determine the appropriate gear for the different roles, and those roles could be generic rifleman, marksman, automatic rifleman, anti-tank, and then with the gear you could turn those into the more complex roles. So there would be no NATO Corpsman/Medic or NATO rifleman M136. Addon makers would have the freedom to be less specific with their units. This would reduce the number of models needed (don't need P3Ds for every type of unit), would reduce the size of config files (don't need separate entries for all the different weapons the units carry // also don't need to determine weapons for individual units in config files), could possibly reduce the size of addons (maybe, maybe not).

Community-made weapons could be categorized into weapon sets as well, so that if someone wanted to give all units in a group Russian weapons vs Iranian weapons vs maybe French weapons, the weapon set could be determined in the editor, and based on the roles, the weapons would automatically be there for those units, so that the user doesn't have to fish through and find the desired weapon. And this could apply to what is mentioned above, so that you have gear sets, or helmet sets, or uniform sets, to be more specific. This wouldn't replace individual gear selection, but it would serve as a sort of auto-fill feature. Ultimately, it could make great use of the new customization system. And some sort of version of this could exist in MP, where server admins could have the option to set this for players, restricting options as needed.


Allow us to move like SF (as in new animations, fluid animations, quick reactions and turning) and then let the weight system dictate how easily we can react (so that regular forces, with more weight due to heavier gear and stuff, can't react as quickly as SF). Then, you could have faster gameplay for SF and slower gameplay for regular forces. Not only that, but you could more accurately represent both.

Edited by antoineflemming

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Someone came up with a future expansions thread, I posted this:

I want.....SNOW!!!!!

Something like this: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/20...the_a_line.jpg

And this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi..._Iraq_1999.jpg

This: http://www.armybase.us/wp-content/up...ery-cannon.jpg

Maybe even this: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/photo/2...3462289688.jpg

No seriously, artic warfare FTW. I'm getting pretty tired of all the dusty deserts and sunny towns.

Edited by CyclonicTuna

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"I would like to see smoother first and third person character animations. The characters are just too rigid. Also, when playing in first person mode, the character's field of view bobs entirely too much. I could convince a large number of my friends to play this game if the character animations operated smoother. Most of the people I talk to, state the main reason they don't play this game is because of motion sickness. We appreciate and understand that you are trying to make the game more realistic. However, certain players strongly prefer a more common and smoother form of gameplay, like found in other modern first person shooters. I feel it would be more beneficial to everyone if the player has the option to turn on these realism modes, or to switch to a more generic, smoother form of gameplay."

Edited by Recon92982

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Utilization of PhysX to allow explosions to throw soldiers like ragdolls, but not just when they're killed. They could then be allowed to get up and continue to fight or flee, although injured by the blast.

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Utilization of PhysX to allow explosions to throw soldiers like ragdolls, but not just when they're killed. They could then be allowed to get up and continue to fight or flee, although injured by the blast.

Great idea +1.

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@Dingo that would be awesome! :D

Brothers in Arms Hells Highway was going to have that, well it was going to have a lot of features but they were all secretly axed. What a generic game that was, was my most anticipated throughout development... :(

Hope theres some cool animations with the parachute too, like lifting up your legs and moving your body when steering.

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I would like to see the stances, awareness, and movement speeds improved. For example you cannot command your team to walk to a location, I know you can edit waypoints before the mission but it would be good to do this on the fly. Also with the awareness, the AI doesnt really do you any favours in "danger" mode. They constantly run across each others paths and sometimes take friendly fire.. I would like to see a mode added where your team will walk with their weapons raised. This cannot be be done on the fly in a mission. Saying that it would be a great addition if you could move at double pace while looking down the sights. The current pace is too slow for open plan urban combat, for example, moving through a courtyard or up an alleyway or street that has no cover, which are in abundance in OA. I know moving faster is less accurate but at least you can suppress and move at the same time. Walking while crouched is unrealistic in OA too. The back is too straight and the soldier is not leaning his shoulder into the stock, although this particular one is just a minor gripe really.

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Building off of what PRM Commando said, I'd also like a change in stances. Maybe add a high ready stance (from which point you can bring up your weapon quicker):





Watch how quick turns are made. Yeah, standard FPSs may be floating hands, but the speed at which turns are made are closer to those games than they are to ArmA. look at 6:57 and you'll see how quickly a soldier with full gear can bring his weapon up.

Second request (more of a gripe concerning ArmA 2 OA): Whatever existing gear or uniforms are used, make sure it's actually ACCURATE to the real thing. Your U.S. Army models from OA were not accurate. That's how U.S. Army uniforms and gear look, in the video. So please, get your hands on the real thing and make it look as accurate as possible. It should be easier to do since gear and uniforms are separated now.

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Can't believe this has only been mentioned once and only very briefly in this thread (and hasn't made it to the list on the front page): Animated Muzzleflashes

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Have the 3D model change when changing magazine types. For example, when you are using an RPK and the drum runs dry and your next mag is a 40 rounder, have the next mag that is inserted into the weapon be a 40 rounder and not another drum.

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-A Proper InGame Topography Map which isnt full coloured

I don't like the ArmA 2 map where when you zoom in it goes to colour... that should be an option like in Armed Assault as it can be difficult to see the contours and other markers etc.

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NAVAL - Larger ships mounted with 100mm cannons that are capable but not limiting the abilty to provied artillary support to coastal islands and to provide anti aircraft support

-NON static fleet of ships that can move via waypoint (but only able move in ocean water, and not beachs or shallow water), are able to be destroyed and has active defences (destroyer, aircraft carrier, frigata)

AIR - Adding the abiltiy to use anti ship missle and cargo and things alike to destroy larger ships

OTHER - controlable and ambient frieght trains (abilty to move in cargo) and possibly designed into a modual for easier use)

MOST impoartant - i wish that armaIII will be the best game to come out in 2012:)

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Have the 3D model change when changing magazine types. For example, when you are using an RPK and the drum runs dry and your next mag is a 40 rounder, have the next mag that is inserted into the weapon be a 40 rounder and not another drum.

Agreed, and massively overdue.

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* Combat & Weapon Handling

- Similar to that of Red Orchestra 2 (the way a player looks past his gun, the movement of the weapon, stuff like that. In RO2 it seems very smooth and comfortable to handle a weapon, best ive personally ever seen in a game, it would be great if weapon handling comfort in ArmA 3 was similar as opposed to the somewhat rusty feel of arma 2.

- Usage of melee weapons (in example for stealthy kills/knocks) such as blunt and cutting weapons.

- The usable melee weapons.

- Non-lethal ranged weapons (such as tasers, rubber bullets, maybe even maze, and similar).

* Extensive fast-roping/abseiling abilities (heard it was already going to be put in in one way or another)

- From chopper to ground.

- Quick pick up by chopper (hook up to rope and get pulled out).

- Abseiling from building edges/cliffs/balconies/anything that allowes to be abseiled from.

- I'm sure that if the BI brains think related features over they can come up with a lot of great additions.

* Smoother animations

- Example in ArmA2: Player is prone and selects launcher through scroll menu, in arma 2 this reacts very clunky and sometimes gets the player stuck in a series of animations (especialy when danger is near this is frustrating and can lead to death or mission failure), hopefully in arma 3 this can be improved.

- Smoother transfer between animations, more animations

* Smoke and Fire

- Realistic fire and related (objects being able to catch fire, players being able to catch fire/drop and roll to put it out, fire spreading, fire being influenced by weather (wind and rain/snow in example) and other physical interaction and so on).

- More realistic smoke behavior (In arma 2 smoke would very abrubtly stop which resulted in a strange looking play of particles and smoke disappearing, hope this can be fixed in arma 3)

* Editing

- User friendly island creator

* lighting

- Inside vehicles and buildings.

- Functional lamps, lights, lightpole, lighthouse etc objects.

- Any type of light/lamp breakable by damage.

* AI: Civilian & Authorities (very useful for modding purposes involving anything non-military)

- A large variaty of civilian player models/outfits/vehicles.

- A large variaty of public service player models/outfits/vehicles/buildings. (Police, fire department, hospital and ambulance, postal office, stuff like that).

- A large variaty of rebels/insurgents/criminals looking models/outfits/weapons/vehicles/

PS. Not sure if this is my first post or not, but i'm gonna use the oppertunity anyway to give BI a quick thank you for being such a respectable studio that listens to their fans and sets standards for patching and all other sorts of support in the game dev industry, i'm goign to be a life long supporter and if i make it in game dev one day i hope to be able to work with you guys!

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Please make detailed unit skills to be configurable in editor

something like this but in editor!

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Ability to Modify the IN-GAME VON variables.... direction/attenuation/noise/signal insertions

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AI: Less mobile and suicidal and/or multiple behavior patterns; aggressive, defensive, cautious, suppression, rush, etc.

Ai infantry going into danger mode and engage at will does not work well in every situation.

example: I'm alone sniper on a hill, enemy defends town with inf+tank, inf should try to take cover and keep heads down and let the tank handle it :)

instead of bravely rushing my position.

example2: ai squad has a good position behind cover they should stay there and suppress, not randomly wander around looking for another cover :P

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