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SCO-EZ (Air Assault Scripts)

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Hi Folks,


Just a few scripts I've been working on for a couple months to make a helicopter air assault as easy as possible for a mission creator... I'm not sure if others will find these useful - they're still kind of a work in progress - although what is posted should be fully functional... I'm learning as I go... These handle both the troop lift aspects and CAS support of said lift... I wanted all the helicopters to follow a user defined path to avoid known areas where the possibility of being shot down were high... Since I have a relatively large number of helicopters following the same path - I didn't want to mess with waypoints as a mission creator - so none of the included assets require any waypoints - they follow a generic path defined by a couple of markers... The only thing a mission creator needs to do is to name the assets and markers appropriately and the scripts should be transportable to any map with any assets...


The scripts should make the air assault fully autonomous and I've spent hours just spectating on various scenarios... Other than firing the radio triggers no real user actions required...


If interested - feel free to take a gander and use the scripts as you see fit... I do have plans to improve them and add more features - we'll see how it goes... 


The file contains the three scripts as parts of a demo mission - all fired from a radio trigger...

  • LAUNCHslicks.sqf - starts the troop airlift operation...
  • LAUNCHguns.sqf - starts the gunship support of said airlift...
  • RTBguns.sqf - orders the gunships to return to base....


Demo Plus Scripts (all vanilla): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6svdnlqwvo375lj/SCO_ScriptDemo.Stratis.zip?dl=0


Appreciate the help I've had along the way...


// SLICKS - SCO Launch Script //

// Author: scottb613
// File: LAUNCHslicks.sqf

// Note: Only tested in Single Player.

// Given: (1) to (4) helicopters [slickx] preloaded with crew - units named below.
// Given: (1) to (4) infantry squads [chalkxx] per helicopter [slickx] - units named below.
// Given: Multiple infantry squads [chalkxx] will be loaded as cargo into helicopter [slickx] with respect to number.
// Given: (1) infantry squad [chalkxx] must exist per helicopter [slickx] used.
// Given: User must insure helicopters have adequate capacity to lift assigned chalks.
// Given: An LZ marker [lzx] must exist for each respective helicopter [slickx] used - markers named below.
// Given: Helicopters will autonomously assault LZ creating defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads.
// Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four inbound markers [inb1-inb4] if desired - else direct to [lzx].
// Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four outbound markers [out1-out4] if desired - else direct to base.
// Given: For best results - inbound/outbound markers should be a min of 2000 meters from launch/landing positions. 
// Given: Even though helicopters are individual units - they will maintain a diamond like formation along flight path.
// Given: Offloaded chalks will move to respective markers [ck1-ck4] defined in combat "RED" mode - else defend [lzx].
// Given: Once chalks reach final waypoint - intended for "High Command" or similiar to manage their actions.
// Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger.
// Given: If [debug] is enabled - writes log entries to windows clipboard and places markers on waypoints.

// Named Asset: [OPT] ("s1" -player unit)
// Named Asset: ("slick1" -slick helo) ("slick2" -slick helo) ("slick3" -slick helo) ("slick4" -slick helo)
// Named Asset: ("chalk11" -inf squad) ("chalk12" -inf squad) ("chalk13" -inf squad) ("chalk14" -inf squad) -> load to slick1
// Named Asset: ("chalk21" -inf squad) ("chalk22" -inf squad) ("chalk23" -inf squad) ("chalk24" -inf squad) -> load to slick2 
// Named Asset: ("chalk31" -inf squad) ("chalk32" -inf squad) ("chalk33" -inf squad) ("chalk34" -inf squad) -> load to slick3
// Named Asset: ("chalk41" -inf squad) ("chalk42" -inf squad) ("chalk43" -inf squad) ("chalk44" -inf squad) -> load to slick4

// Named Marker: ("lz1" -lz pad marker) ("lz2" -lz pad marker) ("lz3" -lz pad marker) ("lz4" -lz pad marker)
// Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck1" -final posit chalk11-14) ("ck2" -final posit chalk21-24) 
// Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck3" -final posit chalk31-34) ("ck4" -final posit chalk41-44)
// Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker) 
// Named Marker: [OPT] ("out1" -outbound marker) ("out2" -outbound marker) ("out3" -outbound marker) ("out4" -outbound marker)

// Example: Flight Path - [(slick1 start point) -> inb1 -> inb2 -> inb3 -> inb4 -> Lz1 -> out1 -> out2 -> (slick1 start point)].
// Example: Troop Loading - [chalk11 chalk12 chalk13 will load into slick1] [chalk21 chalk22 will load into slick2].
// Example: Troop Movement - [chalk11 chalk12 will move to marker ck1] [chalk21 chalk22 chalk23 will move to marker ck2].

// Classname: ("Land_HelipadEmpty_F" -invisible helipad)
// Classname: ("Land_HelipadCircle_F" -visible helipad)

//  * USER CONTROLS *                                                                                                                              
// [_debug] --- toggles the logging and create reference marker fucntions [(0)-off || (1)-on].
// [_launchSlickx] --- toggles launch flags to support multiple flights [(0]-no launch || (1)-launch.


// GUNSHIPS - SCO Launch Script //

// Author: scottb613
// File: LAUNCHguns.sqf
// Companion To: RTBguns.sqf

// Note: Only tested in single player.

// Given: (1) to (4) loaded gunships ready for launch on the ground - named as listed in assets.
// Given: If "posit" marker exists - use as initial point for SAD - if not - will use player "s1" position.
// Given: User can define manual path with up to four inbound markers "inb1-inb4" if desired - else direct to posit.
// Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger.

// Named Asset: ("s1" -player unit) 
// Named Asset: ("guns1" -gunship helo) ("guns2" -gunship helo) ("guns3" -gunship helo)

// Named Marker: ("posit" -initial target marker)
// Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker)

// Classname: ("Land_HelipadEmpty_F" -invisible helipad)
// Classname: ("Land_HelipadCircle_F" -visible helipad)

// [_debug] --- toggles the logging and create reference marker fucntions [(0)-off || (1)-on].
// [_launchgunsx] --- toggles launch flags to support multiple flights [(0]-no launch || (1)-launch.




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24 minutes ago, zagor64bz said:

Not tested jet..but really thanks for the effort.



Thanks for the thanks...


One thing - I forget where I left the debug switch - it's a line in the very beginning of the script - if set to [0] it is off - if set to [1] it's on...


You want it set to off [0] unless you want to see what the script is attempting to do via markers - where it places helipads - and - have it create the log file in the windows clipboard...


This is the debug off condition (the same in all three scripts):

_debug = 0;








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