mrcurry 522 Posted September 21, 2017 Summary: With the new mine detector beeping more than your favorite astromech droid I'd thought I'd give it a more alien twist. This script "converts" the mine detector into a basic motion detector. Warning, do not use in conjunction with actual mines... or do, your choice. Features: -Beeps and boops (Credit: BIS) -Lightweight -Group members are detected but not so beepy. -Only locomotion is detected, not waving away flies or checking your gun. A standard crawl will avoid detection though. -Detects motion of vehicles too, not that you'd miss them at that range... Known Issues: -"Motion" can be a bit twitchy on the detector HUD. -Friendly AI may spot and reveal their "motion trackers" so they won't beep. You can get around this by executing: {_x disableAI "MINEDETECTION";} forEach allUnits; Singleplayer/Multiplayer: Should in theory work for both. I haven't had the time or manpower to test properly in MP. Let me know if you find any issues. Install/Usage: 1. Create "motionDetector.sqf" in your mission folder, for contents see below. 2. In init.sqf execute that sucker like so: 0 = [] execVM "motionDetector.sqf"; 3. Put a mine detector in the player's hands. 4. Profit? Future plans: None, I threw this together real quick just for fun. If you want something added post the suggestion and we'll see. Files: motionDetector.sqf Spoiler //motionDetector.sqf if(!isDedicated) then { private _mineClass = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo"; CMD_run = true; private _nearObjects = []; while { CMD_run } do { private _newObjects = (player nearEntities [["Man", "Air", "LandVehicle", "Ship"], 50]); { private _mine = _x getVariable ["CMD_attachedMine", objNull]; deleteVehicle _mine; _x setVariable ["CMD_attachedMine", nil]; } forEach (_nearObjects-_newObjects); _nearObjects = _newObjects; { if( !(player isEqualTo _x) && (vehicle _x isEqualTo _x) ) then { private _mine = _x getVariable ["CMD_attachedMine", objNull]; if(abs speed _x >= 3) then { if(isNull _mine) then { _mine = _mineClass createVehicleLocal getPos _x; _mine attachTo [_x, [0,0,0]]; _mine hideObject true; _x setVariable ["CMD_attachedMine", _mine]; if(group _x isEqualTo group player) then { playerSide revealMine _mine; }; }; } else { if(!isNull _mine) then { detach _mine; deleteVehicle _mine; }; }; }; } forEach _nearObjects; sleep 0.1; }; }; 6 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted February 4, 2019 Thanks for sharing this mrcurry ! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites