God of Monkeys 14 Posted September 2, 2017 Description: Call helicopter come to help you, he will help you rearm, refuel and repair. This script is referenced from Gungriffon (1996, Sega Saturn) Video Game, you can use this script with chkw30k's "HMCS Addon", will have a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy :) How to use: 1.Copy "ResupplyHelicopter" foldor into your mission. 2.Add"resupplyHeliRDY = true; publicVariable "resupplyHeliRDY";" into your init.sqf. 3.Copy "this addAction ["<t color='#00FFFF'>Call Resupply Helicopter</t>", "ResupplyHelicopter\resupplyClickonmap.sqf", "B_Heli_Transport_03_F"];" into your player unit's init. Media: Forum Topic:HMCS Addon Workshop Direct Download link Steam Workshop Resupply Helicopter Script (Gungriffon Style) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 4, 2017 Thanks for sending us the release :) An Armaholic mirror is now available:Resupply Helicopter Script (Gungriffon Style) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikeomni 1 Posted May 29, 2018 @God of Monkeys in MP the helicopter sometimes gets stuck not moving. Made a few edits to make it more reliable in resupplyHeli.sqf: // Spawn Heli, set fly height in case of mountains, delays and checks for stalling _unghi = [_spawnPosition,_resupplyPoint] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _helicopterSpawn = [_spawnPosition, _unghi, _heliClassname, west] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _helicopter = _helicopterSpawn select 0; {_x setskill ["courage",1]; _x allowFleeing 0;} forEach (crew _helicopter)+[_helicopter]; _helicopter flyinheight 150; _heliPad = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _resupplyPoint; _helipadPosition = getPos _heliPad; // Add Resupply Area to Heli [[_resupplyPoint],"ResupplyHelicopter\resupplyCreateTrigger.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM"]; // Add delay to make sure heli is ready before continuing "Calling resupply helicopter" remoteExec ["hint"]; sleep 2; // Move Heli _helicopter doMove _helipadPosition; "Resupply Helicopter inbound!" remoteExec ["hint"]; waitUntil { _lastpos = getPos _helicopter; sleep 5; if (!alive _helicopter || !canMove _helicopter) then {deleteVehicle _heliPad; breakTo "heliDestory"}; _travelled = _helicopter distance2D _lastpos; if (_travelled < 1) then { [driver _helicopter, format ["%1 meters per second",_travelled]] remoteExec ["globalChat"]; doStop _helicopter; [_helicopter, _helipadPosition] remoteExec ["doMove",_helicopter]; sleep 10; } else {[driver _helicopter, format ["%1 meters to LZ",_helicopter distance2D _helipad]] remoteExec ["sideChat"]}; (_helicopter distance _heliPad) < 180}; // landing routine, make sure it's local [_helicopter] remoteExec ["doStop", _helicopter]; [_helicopter, _landingMode] remoteExec ["land", _helicopter]; "Resupply Helicopter landing!" remoteExec ["hint"]; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites