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Destroying Land_SatellitePhone_F

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[Edit:  Crap.  Wrong forum.]


If I have a satellite phone that I want players to be able to disable, I can put an action on it.  They walk up, trigger the action and it's disabled.  No muss, no fuss.


But my players are equipped with all manner of weapons.  Rifles, bombs, grenades, explosives, etc.  I want them to be able to destroy that phone.  I can't figure out a way to do it.


It doesn't take any damage.  I've tried enableSimulation and allowDamage.

It doesn't take any event handlers that would allow me to detect impacts.  I've tried Hit and HandleDamage.


The only thing that occurs to me now is to attach some kind of proxy object to the phone (or attach the phone to it) so that when it gets destroyed, I can detect that.  But I don't know of any innocuous or special objects where hits or destruction can be damaged.  Or am I missing some other technique that turns these objects into something that can be damaged?

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Destroy an indestructible object?. Just make a fake destruction.

Make a fake explosion and use:  Deletevehicle satellite (satellite is the name of the Land_SatellitePhone_F).

The object will be destroyed.


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In my mission I use satellite phones to deactivate radio antennas.

I made a simple action to deactivate it and to simulate it beeing destroyed I did this:

_EHradio2_O = radio2_O addEventHandler ["HitPart", {EHradio2=true;}];


So when you shoot it  for example it triggers the same stuff when you would deactivate it, in my case.

Sadly it doesn't look destroyed but it bounces of the table soo...works for me.



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